País: Espanha
Altura: 1.67m
Peso: 57 kg
Nascimento: 16/01/19?
Originally from Spain, she is the leader of the Dolls and specializes in communications, carrying with her a special microphone named Silver Afternoon (シルバーアフタヌーン?) that is used to give instructions to the other Dolls. Enero has the special ability of replicating vocal cords, using it to confuse enemies like the ICPO and national armies. She usually has a polite demeanor, but she can be fearsome when angry.
Atuando na Espanha, Enero é a especialista em comunicações do Esquadrão de Elite, fazendo relatórios da situação das outras Dolls à Bison, afinal, nenhum esquadrão de assassinas estaria completo sem uma especialista em comunicações! Enero possui um longo cabelo rosa e está sempre com um headset sem fio.
Seu nome significa Janeiro em espanhol.
Street Fighter 5: During the events of A Shadow Falls, Enero is mentioned by Noembelu, who manages to take down Birdie to save both März and Aprile, and she tells them that Enero is getting angry for being caught.
In the final assault against Shadaloo and its main base, Enero leads with the other Dolls to take down the fighters. Enero also had a some sort of rivalry between her and Karin Kanzuki who had shared the same ojou laugh. Enero angrily fights Karin but was defeated. Due to the influence of its Psycho Powers made by F.A.N.G, Enero screams in pain due to its uncontrollable power and she continues to fight the fighters until she was freed due to Rashid destroying the device during their confrontation with F.A.N.G. Enero can also be seen with her fellow Dolls watching the destruction of Shadaloo.
Aparência: Enero is a young woman of average height and slim build with pink hair and brown eyes.
Interpretando Enero: ?
Enero como NPC
* Fontes: a história de Enero foi construída com base no Street Fighter Wikia. A planilha de Enero bem como suas manobras foram extraídas do suplemento Tempos de Glória da Shotokan RPG.