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Marshall Law

Historia: O pai de Forrest Law vai mais uma vez entrar no torneio The King of Iron Fist após anos sem treinar direito e levando uma vida pacata. Seu dojo foi fechado e sua lucrativa rede de restaurantes chineses faliu devido a um forte concorrente francês. A notícia do quarto torneio The King of Iron Fist o fez Law lembrar-se de sua juventude e em seguida ele passou a treinar intensamente para participar desta grande disputa.

Personalidade: Law tem uma personalidade forte e o espirito de um guerreiro ele esta passando por dificuldades no momento e vem para provar que mesmo velho pode fazer o que fazia. Ele vai trazer de novo o prestigio para seu dojô e família.

Aparência: Law se veste com calça amarela e luta sem camisa. Ele se parece muito com Bruce Lee, o que todos notam.

Estilo: Kung Fu

Escola: Dojô Da Família

Conceito: Mestre

Assinatura: Grita e com trai os Músculos


Força 5 Destreza 6 Vigor 4 

Carisma 3 Manipulação 3 Aparência 3, 

Percepção 4 Inteligência 3 Raciocínio 5


Prontidão 3, Interrogação 3, Intimidação 3, Perspicácia 5, Manha 3, Lábia 3 – Luta às Cegas 4, Condução 2, Liderança 3, Segurança 2, Furtividade 4, Sobrevivência 4 –  Arena 3, Computador 0, Investigação 2, Medicina 2, Mistérios 0, Estilos 5


Aliados 2 , Contatos 2, Fama 3, Recursos 2, Staff 5


Soco 6, Chute 6, Bloqueio 4, Apresamento 4, Esportes 5, Foco 4

Manobras Especiais: 

Jump, Kippup, Foot Sweep, Power Uppercut, Throw, Flash Kick, Kick Defence, Punch Defence, Deflecting Punch, Brain Craker, Knee Basher, Psychokinetic Channeling, Double Hit Punch, Double Hit Kick


Double Hit Punch – Double Hit Punch – Fierce

Double Hit Kick – Double Hit Kick – Roundhouse 

Bloqueio – Brain Craker – Foot Sweep

Bloqueio – Fierce (Psychokinetic Channeling)

Flash Kick – Flash Kick – Flash Kick

Renome: Glória 8, Honra 8

Chi 9, Força de Vontade 9, Saúde 20


Historia: Sem interesse por dinheiro, vingança e nem mesmo em ajudar alguém, Hwoarang está chateado por não ter nada interessante para fazer. Após o terceiro torneio ele entrou no exército coreano que providenciou diversas missões especiais perigosas para sua distração, mas nada disso se comparava a sua luta contra Jin Kazama. Quando o novo torneio foi anunciado ele ficou bastante excitado pela chance de realmente poder se divertir.

Personalidade: Hwoarang e altamente egoísta  e nem esta ai para os outros ele não chega a ser mal. Ele adora grandes desafios e esta a procura de grandes adversários que para ele e um grande divertimento. 

Aparência: Hwoarang usa seus cabelos vermelhos, meio longos na altura do pescoço e luta com quimono de Tae Kwon Dô branco com detalhes em azul e um desenho na perna. Se desprevenido luta com roupas de motoqueiro.

Estilo: Tae Kwon Dô

Escola: Coreana

Conceito: Egoísta

Assinatura: Chutes no Ar


Força 4 Destreza 6 Vigor 4 

Carisma 2 Manipulação 3 Aparência 4 

Percepção 3 Inteligência 3 Raciocínio 3


Prontidão 3, Interrogação 3, Intimidação 3, Perspicácia 4, Manha 2, Lábia 2 – Luta às Cegas 4, Condução 2, Liderança 2, Segurança 2, Furtividade 3, Sobrevivência 2 –  Arena 2, Computador 1, Investigação 2, Medicina 2, Mistérios 1, Estilos 4


Apoio 3 (Governo Coreano), Contatos 3, Recursos 3, Sensei 3


Soco 3, Chute 7, Bloqueio 4, Apresamento 4, Esportes 5, Foco 3

Manobras Especiais: 

Jump, Kippup, Double Hit Punch, Triple Strike, Foot Sweep, Ax Kick, Double Dread Kick, Double-Hit Kick, Hurricane Kick, Foot Sweep, Slide Kick, Stepping Front Kick, Wounded Knee, Rhino Horn, Throw, Take Down, Psychokinetic Channeling, Kick Defense, Flamingo Stance


Stepping Front Kick – Double Hit Kick – Rhino Horn

Bloqueio – Hurricane Kick –  Rhino Horn

Movimento – Slide Kick – Foot Sweep 

Bloqueio – Take Down – Foot Sweep

Double Hit Punch – Triple Strike

Renome: Glória 6, Honra 6

Chi 3, Força de Vontade 8, Saúde 18

Steve Fox

Historia: Um lutador formalmente conhecido como Dean Earkwicker que emergiu de uma criança misteriosa para um campeão no boxe. Tendo em vista o potencial do boxeador a máfia chamou para fazer um trabalho sujo, ele disse não ao pedido. Por ter negado o pedido, a máfia colocou sua cabeça a prêmio e Steve precisou fugir. Cansado de fugir durante tanto tempo o boxeador viu neste torneio a chance de recuperar seu prestígio e ainda um pouco de seu passado misterioso.

Personalidade: Steve e uma pessoa muito honesta com um passado misterioso. Sua honestidade o privou de sua gloria e fama e agora no tornei ele vê a chance de provar que e o melhor.

Aparência: Steve e loiro de cabelos longos e olhos claros. Ele usa Short de Boxe e luta sem camisa.

Estilo: Boxe

Escola: Desconhecida

Conceito: Lutador em Busca da Fama

Assinatura: Tenciona os músculos


Força 5 Destreza 5 Vigor 5 

Carisma 3 Manipulação 3 Aparência 4 

Percepção 3 Inteligência 3 Raciocínio 3


Prontidão 3, Interrogação 3, Intimidação 3, Perspicácia 3, Manha 3, Lábia 3 – Luta às Cegas 3, Condução 3, Liderança 1, Segurança 4, Furtividade 4, Sobrevivência 4 –  Arena 3, Computador 1, Investigação 2, Medicina 2, Mistérios 0, Estilos 3


Aliados 4, Contatos 4, Fama 1, Recursos 3, Staff 5


Soco 6, Chute 2, Bloqueio 4, Apresamento 4, Esportes 4, Foco 3

Manobras Especiais: 

Jump, Kippup, Power Uppercut, Double Kit Punch, Spinning Back Fist, Dashing Punch, Turn Punch, Dunk Fierce, Buffalo Punch, Head Butt, Elbow Smash, Foot Sweep, Throw, Brain Craker, Head Butt Grab Attack, Psychokinetic Channeling – Hyper Tackle


Double Hit Punch – Double Hit Punch – Dashing Punch

Bloqueio – Head Butt Grab Attack – Foot Sweep

Dunk Fierce – Double Kit Punch – Bufallo Punch

Movimento – Hyper Tackle – Turn Punch

Renome: Glória 2, Honra 6

Chi 3, Força de Vontade 7, Saúde 20


Historia: Yoshimitsu aparece sempre um pouco diferente em cada torneio, mas desta vez ele se superou. Ele está usando uma máscara de uma caveira, que representa a morte, e está com asas de inseto. Ele entrou no torneio com o objetivo de se tornar o dono da Mishima Zaibatsu e tornar a mega empresa uma instituição de caridade, que se chamaria Manji Party e atuaria em todo o mundo.

Personalidade: Yoshimitsu e uma pessoa de bom coração que tem o intuito de ajudar seu próximo. No combate Yoshimitsu e mortal com os inimigos. 

Aparência: Ele usa uma máscara de uma caveira, que representa a morte, e está com asas de inseto.

Estilo: Ninjitsu

Escola: Desconhecida

Conceito: Guerreiro

Assinatura: Mostra a Habilidade de Espada!


Força 4, Destreza 6, Vigor 4, 

Carisma 4, Manipulação 3, Aparência 0/2, 

Percepção 4, Inteligência 4, Raciocínio 4


Prontidão 3, Interrogação 3, Intimidação 3, Perspicácia 3, Manha 3, Lábia 3 – Luta às Cegas 3, Condução 2, Liderança 3, Segurança 3, Furtividade 3, Sobrevivência 3 –  Arena 3, Computador 1, Investigação 2, Medicina 2, Mistérios 3, Estilos 4


Aliados 2, Contatos 2, Clã Hereditário 4, Fama 3, Recursos 1, Staff 2, Sensei 3


Soco 4, Chute 5, Bloqueio 4, Apresamento 4, Esportes 4, Foco 5, Espada 6

Manobras Especiais: 

Double Hit Punch, Power Uppercut, Double Hit Kick, Slide Kick, Foot Sweep,  Jump, Kippup, Throw, Suplex, Air Suplex, Flying Body Spear, Chi Kun Healing, Regeneration, Yoga Teleport 


Double Hit Punch – Double Hit Kick – Double Hit Kick 

Movimento – Hyper Tackle – Ataque Furioso

Bloqueio – Air Suplex – Furioso

Movimento – Flying Body Spear – Flying Body Spear

Regeneretion – Yoga Teleport

Renome: Glória 6, Honra 6

Chi 8, Força de Vontade 8, Saúde 20

Equipamento: Katana


Historia: O lendário lutador de luta livre King entra no torneio em busca de vingança. O lutador que Craig matou acidentalmente durante uma luta era ninguém mais e ninguém menos do que Armor King. King vê no torneio a chance de se vingar de Craig. Mas será este realmente King querendo vingança? (ele está mascarado, não tem como ter certeza de quem ele é) Só o torneio dirá…

Personalidade: King é uma pessoa determinada, mas no momento ele só pensa em acabar com o cara que venceu e matou Armor King e restaurar sua imagem.

Aparência: King tem 1,98 m e pesa 200 Kg. Tem músculos bem definidos usa roupas tradicionais de luta livre e um par de pesadas botas. Claro que King sempre luta de mascara.

Estilo: Sanbo

Escola: Professor Particular

Conceito: Guerreiro

Assinatura: Grito de Vitória!


Força 6, Destreza 4, Vigor 5 

Carisma 4, Manipulação 3, Aparência 0/3 

Percepção 4, Inteligência 3, Raciocínio 3


Prontidão 3, Interrogação 3, Intimidação 3, Perspicácia 3, Manha 3, Lábia 3 – Luta às Cegas 3, Condução 2, Liderança 3, Segurança 3, Furtividade 3, Sobrevivência 3 –  Arena 3, Computador 1, Investigação 2, Medicina 2, Mistérios 3, Estilos 4


Contatos 2, Escola 3, Empresário 3, Fama 3, Recursos 5, Staff 5


Soco 4, Chute 4, Bloqueio 4, Apresamento 7, Esportes 4, Foco 3

Manobras Especiais:

Buffalo Punch, Jump Hammer Punch, Power Uppercut, Double Hit Punch, Wounded Knee, Rhino Horn, Foot Sweep, Slide Kick, Block And Grab, Back Breaker, Dislocate Limb, Grappling Defense, Flying Tackle, Pin, Improved Pin , Pile Driver, Siberian Suplex, Suplex, Thigh Press, Jump, Kippup, Hyper Tackle


Dislocate Limb – Siberian Suplex – Siberian Suplex 

Siberian Suplex – Siberian Suplex – Pile Driver

Bloqueio – Block And Grab – Improvid Pin

Movimento – Rhino Horn

Movimento – Hyper Tackle

Renome: Glória 10, Honra 6

Chi 4, Força de Vontade 10, Saúde 20

Craig Marduk

Craig Marduk foi um campeão de Vale Tudo inderrotável. Entranto, um dia ele foi pego em um escândalo e foi expulso pelo comitê da organização. Consumido pela amargura e raiva contra tudo e contra todos, Marduk acabou começando uma briga de bar no Arizona. Um mediador tentou se meter e tentar impedir o combate, mas Marduk acabou matando ele. O homem que Marduk matou era Armor King, um wrestler profissional que vestia uma máscara de jaguar negro no ringue. O caso foi levado à justiça, onde o assassinado foi julgado como culposo, onde não há intenção de matar. Ele foi, entretanto, sentenciado a dez anos de prisão.

Marduk em Tekken 4: Dois anos preso e Marduk foi liberado mais cedo. Juízes foram subornados para deixá-lo sair e Marduk recebeu uma passagem de avião e um artigo de jornal sobre o Torneio do Reio do Punho de Ferro 4. Mais tarde ele descobriu que esse arranjo foi realizado por King II, um luchador que foi estudante de Armor King. Furioso pela perda do homem que era considerado um mentor e pai, King decidiu que queria vingança contra Marduk. Como ele não podia matá-lo na prisão, King arranjou para que eles lutassem um contra o outro no torneio.

Marduk em Tekken 5: King beat Marduk in the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4 in a match so brutal that Marduk was hospitalized. King approached the hospital room, intending to kill Marduk, but had a change of heart. He decided his search for vengeance was foolish, and walked away.[6] Marduk, however, was enraged by his loss to King. He set to honing himself into an even greater fighter. He entered a Vale Tudo tournament wearing a replica of Armor King’s black jaguar mask and beat all the competition bloody. He then turned to the camera and taunted King, telling him he would be next.[7] Enraged by the disgrace to his mentor’s name, King accepted the challenge.[6]

Marduk and King fought one another again in the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5, and Marduk was again beaten. This time, however, the two exchanged a handshake of respect after the match. As Marduk was returning to the tournament waiting room, the lights went out and he was suddenly attacked. As the lights came back on, he was able to catch a glimpse of his attacker. It appeared to be the man he had killed, Armor King.[8] In his likely canonical Tekken 6 ending, Marduk is shown hurrying to Armor King’s grave. He dug Armor King up to check he was still dead and found the body intact. In the graveyard, however, he again met his attacker, who explained that Armor King was two people, not one, and that the man Marduk had killed was in fact his older brother. This new Armor King told Marduk he could never forgive him for killing his brother.[9]

Marduk and Armor King fought one another and both ended up unconscious and critically injured in hospital. Marduk awoke in hospital covered in strange injection marks. He did not feel any adverse effects however, and immediately sought out Armor King to finish him. King intervened, telling him Armor King was still unconscious and pleaded with Marduk to wait until Armor King had recovered before challenging him to a rematch. Marduk heeded this, but was uninterested in just another rematch. This time, he wanted Armor King removed for good. He thus left a challenge for Armor King for when he awoke – a match where the loser would bow out of professional wrestling forever. If Armor King won, Marduk would retire, and if Marduk won, Armor King would be de-masked and give up the name and mask of Armor King. Marduk then left to go and prepare for the match.

Personalidade: Craig e um cara durão com uma personalidade bem forte e não tolera chorão com ele não tem moleza.  

Marduk is an extremely violent and short-tempered individual. He is very brash and tends to be quite unkind to others around him. He is also incredibly cocky and has a huge ego. Marduk’s mannerisms usually border on mental instability, as he is often seen before or after a fight screaming and acting like a vicious wild animal, breathing heavily, and acting violently. His short temper and penchant for violence led him to start a bar brawl in Arizona, which resulted in the death of professional wrestler, Armor King.

Although Armor King’s death was ruled as unpremeditated, Marduk shows little regret for his actions. He later dons Armor King’s mask in order to mock him and taunt his pupil, King II, and, after being attacked by someone who strongly resembles Armor King, even digs up Armor King’s remains to check he is still dead.

Marduk’s only redeeming qualities seem to be a presumed affection he has for his parents, who’s photograph remains by his bedside when he has been hospitalized, and the gradual friendship he has fostered with King II. It should be noted however, that this friendship largely seems to arise from acts of forgiveness on King’s part. Marduk does however insist to King during Tekken 5 that he has changed, and wants to take him down in a fair and square fight.[11]

Armor King II is less forgiving, however, and, as such, he and Marduk now have a bitter rivalry. Marduk shows he has no qualms about killing an unconscious Armor King in Tekken 7, and is only stalled from doing so by pleas from King to wait for a fair match once Armor King has recovered. Whilst Marduk agreed to this, he is still intent on both beating and disgracing Armor King.

Marduk em Tekken 4: Undefeated for four years in the professional circuit, Craig Marduk was once a respected and feared Vale Tudo fighter.

However, Craig was expelled from the professional ranks after being linked to a minor scandal.

Bitter against his peers and society, Craig’s wrath consumed his soul. One day, Craig started a bar brawl in Arizona and killed an opponent during the fight. Convicted for second-degree manslaughter, Craig was sentenced to ten years in the state penitentiary.

Two years later, Craig was mysteriously released from prison. Some anonymous “benefactor” had apparently paid off numerous judiciaries to arrange for Craig’s release. An envelope was delivered to Craig shortly thereafter. It contained a plane ticket and a newspaper article about The King of Iron Fist Tournament 4..

For Marduk, fulfillment was elusive… “Winnin’ some tournament don’t mean nothin’.” When he realized where he was, he was heading back to the place of his former glory.

After winning the Tournament, Marduk returns to his place of former glory. There he meets the new Vale Tudo champion: an egotistic blond-haired man named Jeff Slater, who challenges him to a fight. Without accepting the fight, Marduk headbutts the new champion, instantly knocking him off his feet and tells him not to “bother getting up”. Marduk then walks away, stamping on Slater as he does so.

Marduk em Tekken 5: Craig Marduk, undefeated Vale Tudo fighter. Marduk was infuriated over his loss to King in the previous tournament. After being released from the hospital, he started a harsh training regimen to hone his body into the ultimate weapon. The revenge match will take place at the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5.

The once undefeated Vale Tudo fighter Craig Marduk was infuriated over his loss to King in the previous tournament. After being released from the hospital, he endured a harsh training regimen that honed his body into the ultimate weapon. One day, Marduk entered a Vale Tudo tournament wearing a black jaguar mask. He successively downed every opponent in his path and announced his intent to face King once more. The two will meet again at the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5

Craig Marduk, the once-undefeated Vale Tudo fighter. Unable to accept his loss to King in the previous tournament, Marduk transformed himself into the ultimate weapon.

One day, Marduk, in a black jaguar mask, beat everyone in a Vale Tudo tournament to a bloody pulp. “King! You’re next!”

The stage is set for a rematch at the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5!

Marduk wins the Tournament and is crowned the new champion. For Marduk, being champion was not enough. He attacked various martial art champions to show his superiority.

The scene opens with the words: “And today’s target is…” Two boxers are getting ready to fight in a typical boxing match. The boxers have just begun their bout when Marduk comes into the ring and interrupts, challenging both of them to come at him. The referee tries to stop the madness, only to be K.O.ed by Marduk. The two boxers decide to attack Marduk but are easily taken down. Marduk taunts the audience and gloats in front of the camera, tearing up the ropes in the boxing ring for good measure. Steve Fox, who is in the audience, has a look of disgust on his face as he gets out of his seat to confront Marduk.

Marduk em Tekken 6: Craig Marduk had a rematch with King during The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5. Although he lost, the two shared a friendly handshake after the match.

Returning to the waiting room, the lights suddenly went out, and Marduk was attacked by an unknown assailant.

When the lights finally came back on, Maarduk caught a look at the culprit. It appeared to be Armor King, whom Marduk thought he’d finished off long ago.

The world had been enguled in war when The King of Iron Fist Tornament 6 was abruptly announced.

Marduk reasoned that if he entered the tournament, perhaps the unknown assailant would show up again. Along with his new ally, King, Marduk enters the tournament to find his attacker.

While in a graveyard, Marduk is shovelling dirt, digging up Armor King’s grave in order to confirm that the body is in there and that he is dead. When he opens Armor King’s grave, he sees the body in tact inside, confirming that Armor King is indeed dead. A mysterious figure who resembled Armor King gives Marduk a blank stare in silence after being asked who he is. King II arrives at the graveyard and asks the figure who he is. The figure claims himself to be “Armor King” and no one else. Marduk believes this to be a lie, as he killed Armor King “with his own hands”, but the figure calling himself “Armor King” states that the name is not exclusive to just one person. He claims that he is the one, but so was his late brother, known as Armor King I, whom Marduk killed 2 years ago, thus making the figure “Armor King II”. Armor King II deemed that his brother’s murder was unforgivable and points at Marduk as a sign of revenge.

Marduk em Tekken 7: Undefeated since his debut as a Vale Tudo fighter, Craig was banished by the committee for his involvement in a scandal. After getting caught up in a bar fight, he accidentally ended up killing Armor King, who was trying to mediate the situation. Craig fought against Armor King’s apprentice, King, twice after that, until a steady friendship grew between them

Craig Marduk once killed Armor King. He got into a fight with someone who claimed to be Armor King’s younger brother, and both of them ended up unconscious.

When Marduk awakened in hospital, he noticed strange injection marks across his body. Since he was able to move without any problems though, he immediately tried to go after Armor King without paying any mind to this.

However, King desperately intervened, and told him that Armor King had not yet regained consciousness. King persuaded Marduk to wait until Armor King had first recovered in order to settle the match. However, Marduk could not quell his anger with just any old match, and proposed a match where, if he lost, he would retire from the fighting scene for good, but, if Armor King lost, he would have his mask forcibly removed from his face in disgrace.

After challenging Armor King, who had not yet woken up, Marduk began training in preparation for the rematch.

Aparência: Craig é moreno, com cabelo loiro curto e usa cavanhaque, tem 2 metros de altura e pesa nada mais nada menos que 180 de puro músculo e tem tatuagens nos braços e no peito.

Marduk has a big body and large limbs. He is bald though in his Tekken 4 prologue and ending, he is shown with dark, lank, thin, unkempt hair and has some in-game customizations that reflect this. Marduk is usually clean-shaven, though in Tekken 7 he sports a full beard, light brown in color. In all games, he wears gloves, shorts and kneecaps. He has large tattoos on both his upper arms – the design of these varies sometimes, but is usually a black tribal tattoo design on Marduk’s biceps.

Paul Phoenix

Paul Phoenix is a tough American fighter. Something of a drifter, Paul has no real career, instead making money by streetfighting and taking occasional work as a bouncer while he pursues his real passion – to prove himself to be the toughest fighter in the universe. Paul trains with Marshall Law, who would go on to become his good friend, and Lee Chaolan, and remains undefeated in battle, with the exception of a young fighter named Kazuya, who held him to a draw. When Paul hears the announcement of a King of Iron Fist Tournament, he enters, seeing the opportunity to face his old rival and prove himself to be the best. While Paul does indeed come face to face with Kazuya, he is unable to defeat him. In the process, Paul acquires a new rival – a bear named Kuma. Two years passed before news reached Paul of a second tournament; while he was again successful in defeating Kuma, he still was not able to prove himself to be stronger than Kazuya; this time, Paul had earned the right to face Kazuya, but traffic on the Japanese highways prevented him from reaching the venue in time, forcing him to forfeit.

Paul had to wait another twenty years for a third attempt to prove himself, but when he received an invitation to another King of Iron Fist tournament, he accepted immediately. This time, Paul defeated all who stood before him, including Kuma II, the son of his old rival, and Ogre, the god of fighting himself. Returning home believing himself to be victorious, Paul was unaware that victory had once again eluded him; Ogre had not been defeated, and had morphed into his true monstrous form, only to be defeated by Jin Kazama. Feeling cheated of his win, Paul enters the fourth tournament, seeking his long-overdue victory. This time though, Paul was too cocky and underestimated his opponent, who was once again Kuma, and lost the fight. Humbled, Paul returned to his training with renewed determination. When the announcement of a fifth tournament reached Paul, he entered with renewed vigor. This time, Paul successfully defeats Kuma, but the fight took its toll on him and, exhausted, Paul was forced to forfeit once again.

Soon after, the sixth King of Iron Fist tournament was announced. Short of money, Paul enters and, realizing he cannot succeed on his own, teams up with his old friend Marshall Law to see if they can win the prize money together. While they did well in the tournament, they were unable to claim the top prize. Undaunted, Paul continues to pursue victory in the King of Iron Fist Tournament and enters the newly announced seventh tournament.

Paul em Tekken 1: Paul is a hot-blooded American fighter who understands and loves to practice the martial arts.

Paul views Kazuya as his rival, as a previous fight with him ended in a draw; their rivalry is one-sided, however. Believing his true self exists in a heated battle, Paul partakes in this tournament looking for a stronger opponent.

He is a hot-blooded American hand-to-hand fighter who likes training and knows martial arts. He previously fought Kazuya to a draw and unilaterally considers him to be his rival. He considers his true self to be there all the more when he is fighting and he is taking part in this tournament to look for stronger opponents.

Driven to be the best of the best, Paul travels the world in search of the perfect opponent. He is a judo expert but he is also skilled in many forms of the martial arts. There is only one fighter in this tournament who is ranked on an equal level to Paul. His name was Kazuya Mishima, whom he had once fought to a draw with. His goal is to eliminate any comparisons.

An aggressive and hot blooded American, Paul lives by his wits working as a bodyguard and street fighter. He previously fought Kazuya to a draw and has entered the tournament to settle the score.

Paul is in his training room. He breaks a stack of 3 glass blocks with his fist, kicks two glass blocks into the air, and finally punches through a brick wall that has a drawing of Kazuya’s face on it, destroying it. It ends with a close-up of Paul.

Paul em Tekken 2: When Paul Phoenix was a young boy, he idolized Willy “Bear Killer” Williams, and now that he has grown up, he has become a prominent world warrior. Despite his success over the ferocious Kuma in the previous tournament, Paul didn’t have the strength needed to capture the championship. One day, while devoting himself to his training with his eternal sparring partner and friend, Marshall Law, information about a new tournament being held arrived. With his sights set on becoming the world’s best, no, the universe’s, Paul decides to take part in the tournament.

Fascinated as a child by ‘Bear Killer Willy Williams’, Paul grew up to be one of the world’s renowned fighters. He lost the final round of the last tournament and enters once again with extreme desires to be the champion.

Paul has apparently no allegiances to either law enforcement agencies nor any known criminal cartels, and has been classed as a low-security risk. However his hot-headed nature could yet cause problems.

Paul performed well in the first King of Iron Fist Tournament, and although he was the only competitor insane enough to challenge a fully-grown brown bear and win, he was defeated by Kazuya in a furious battle that lasted for hours. Shaking his head in disbelief, Paul left the Mishima estate and returned to New York. He found work in the south Bronx as a bouncer, where his ego and arrogance led him into numerous confrontations with unsavory characters, all of whom came off second best to his Judo techniques. After months of punishing streetfighting throughout the USA, Paul emerges ready for the King of Iron Fist Tournament 2 with overwhelming confidence, believing himself to be the strongest fighter in the world. This time, the Tournament belongs to Paul Phoenix!

Paul is riding down a mountainside highway on his motorcycle when a rockslide tumbles down the mountainside and onto the road, blocking his path. Startled, Paul hits the brakes, stopping his motorcycle. Paul dismounts his motorcycle, steels himself, and slams his fist into the rock, breaking it with a single punch.

Paul em Tekken 3: Paul Phoenix is a fighter who is admired by young kids worldwide. He let victory escape him in the last Tournament, but has since renewed his training with vigor – he won’t let victory slip away this time! Even at the age of 46, Paul has no weak spots!

WAITING FOR THE BIG ONE. In the last tournament, Paul earned the right to fight Kazuya, but a multi-car accident on the expressway prevented Paul from getting to the match on time. He was forced to forfeit.

Despite Paul’s enviable career, he has yet to win the one tournament that would mark him as being one of the true greats.

Last spring, he received an unexpected invitation to the ‘3rd King of the Iron Fist Tournament’. With training still a part of his daily regiment, he is still in peak condition and feels he still has what it takes to win the big one. Now thought to be 46 years old, he still has the eyes of an eagle with the strength and reflexes of a tiger!

Paul speeds along a freeway, cutting in front of an oil-tanker. A police officer spots him and pulls him over. After much arguing, the officer gives Paul a ticket for speeding. Paul gets angry and comically kicks the dust, raising a hand to his forehead in disbelief.

Paul em Tekken 4: Paul foi o campeão do The King of Iron Fist 3. Ele derrotou Ogre, mas ele já estava celebrando sua vitória em casa enquanto Ogre estava se transformando em True Ogre (sua verdadeira forma). Insatisfeito por não ter derrotado Ogre por completo, ele entre no torneio para provar que ainda é o mais forte.

Paul went undefeated through the entirety of the third King of Iron Fist Tournament and was even victorious against Ogre. Swelling with pride, Paul returned home. However, Paul’s happy ending was short-lived. Unknown to Paul, Ogre morphed into his second form – True Ogre – and the tournament continued after he had departed from it.

Although Paul asserted that he was the true champion of The King of Iron Fist Tournament 3, few believed him, and even those that did eventually grew tired of his attitude. Friends and admirers slowly disappeared, and his dojo eventually went out of business from the lack of students.

One day, Paul came across a newspaper flyer announcing The King of Iron Fist Tournament 4. Burning with the desire to win this Tournament, he decides to give it his all once again to prove that he is the one true champion, once and for all. He had to win!

Paul is walking with a woman after a night of partying. He tells her that they will take a cab home. Paul then turns to the glass window behind him to fix his hair. The lights come on in the Marshall Dojo, and students enter begin training. As they train, Paul sees a picture of himself from his ‘fighting days’ on the wall. The woman, who has found a cab, calls out to Paul but is ignored. The screen turns white. Paul is then shown on his motorcycle. He takes off the red-tinted glasses he is wearing and tosses them aside, saying: “Ain’t my style.” Paul then drives out, his fighting spirit renewed.

Paul em Tekken 5: Paul recognized his overconfidence when he was dealt a severe blow and lost the last tournament. He had forgotten some important lessons and strayed from the path to becoming a great fighter. He wanted to rediscover what he had lost. Two months later, he entered the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5.

Self-proclaimed ‘toughest fighter in the universe’. Paul Phoenix.

“This time I’ll show them. I’m going to win this tournament!” Paul thought as he tried to contain his excitement about facing off with Kazuya Mishima, a rival he hadn’t fought in over twenty years.

However, Kuma stood in his way, as always. Paul started out well against Kuma, but soon began to feel desperate because of Kuma’s tenacity. Paul realized he had been overconfident when he was dealt a severe blow by Kuma and lost the match.

Reflecting on his loss to Kuma, Paul realized that he had forgotten some important lessons and had strayed from the path to becoming a great fighter. He decided to start over again in order to discover that which he had lost.

Two months later, Paul entered the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5. “I’ll win this tournament and prove to everyone that I’m the greatest fighter in the universe!”.

Paul Phoenix tried to contain his excitement about facing off with Kazuya Mishima, a rival he hadn’t fought in over 20 years.

However, Kuma stood in his way, as always. Paul started out well against Kuma, but soon began to feel desperate because of Kuma’s tenacity. Paul realized he had been overconfident when he was dealt a severe blow by Kuma and lost the match.

Reflecting on his loss to Kuma, Paul realized he had forgotten some important lessons and had strayed from the path to becoming a great fighter. He decided to start over again in order to discover that which he had lost.

Two months later, Paul entered the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5.

“I’ll win this tournament and prove to everyone that I’m the greatest fighter in the universe!”

A space colony is shown, which Paul is using to broadcast to the aliens so that he can challenge them. Then, some buildings are shown. Paul is shown throwing a kick. The camera zooms in on a shack that is between the other buildings. Paul is inside this shack, and is shown throwing a punch. The camera zooms in on the sign on the top of the shack, which says, “Bring it on ya aliens!” Paul is then shown throwing a punch and a kick. A drawing of an alien is taped to a gray brick wall. Paul prepares to punch through the gray brick wall. He successfully does this, and all of the bricks fall to the ground. Paul raises a fist and says, “Yeah! Any time! Any place! Bring it on, ya aliens!” The scene changes to show the space colony. A large number of UFOs approach the space colony.

Paul em Tekken 6: Paul Phoenix’s rematch with the bear called “Kuma” was fierce, and though victorious, he was utterly exhausted, leaving him unable to continue the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5.

Unable to collect any prize money from the last tournament, Paul, who was already burdened by his mountain of debt, learns that a new King of Iron Fist Tournament will be held soon.

Believing that if he won the tournament, he could finally say goodbye to his loan troubles, Paul deeply thought about ways to increase his chances of winning — participating on his own was out of the question. If he could assemble a team with someone, his chances of winning the prize money would greatly increase. And so he went over his plan with his best friend Marshall Law.

Paul and Law stop at nothing to win the tournament prize money. Slowly but surely, the two made their way into the final round. They had set the stage carefully, with Law having to pull off a flying kick and Paul having to dodge it. In the ring, both are ready to fight each other, with Paul saying “Let’s get started”. Law replies “Leave it to me. Just as we planned”. The announcer rings the bell to give the signal to start fighting. Law and Paul accidentally hit each other’s vital places, Law kicking Paul in the face and Paul punching Law in the groin. Both fighters are knocked unconscious and the supporters boo them. Steve shakes his head and shrugs in disbelief at Paul and Law’s incompetence.

Paul em Tekken 7: When Paul Phoenix, the golden boy of the martial arts world, steps into the ring, the excitement of the crowd is palpable. But this time, when his opponent’s name rang over the arena’s loudspeakers, he could only scratch his head in disbelief. It was Kuma… again!

However, Kuma was nowhere to be seen. Word went round that the bear had dropped out of the tournament. The ring announcer informs the spectators of a last-minute change to the fight card. Relieved, Paul awaits the entrance of his long-anticipated human opponent… But, however, it wasn’t Kazuya as he hoped, it was a black and white bear, whose temper had hit boiling point due to Paul’s behavior.

He is also present to help Marshall Law find a better fighter to run the dojo, and Paul claims himself to be one, but Law declines as it would be a bad idea for Paul to run a dojo like the last time he did, after “winning” the third tournament. Instead, Law put the word out that if any strong fighters wanted to try out for the job, they should come and prove their skills in combat. Challenger after challenger appeared, but none of them was good enough for either Paul and Law.

Paul celebrates his victory against his opponent which was another bear named Panda. The audience, however, begins to boo Paul for defeating Panda. Paul is then forced to flee the arena after the crowd begin attacking him by throwing various objects at him, particularly when someone threw a sword at him.

In Law’s ending, Paul aids his best friend Marshall Law against Feng Wei in a handicap match after the latter is overpowered by his fighting style. Paul is able to defeat Feng by knocking him out with a powerful Burning Fist after Law assists him in the battle. Feng however, does not accept his defeat and unleashes his powerful aura. Knowing how dangerous he is, Paul and Law retreat in fear.

Personalidade: Paul is an extremely overconfident, muscle-brained individual who never doubts himself. This overconfidence tends to get the better of him as his ego spins out of control with the end result usually leaving Paul in difficult and awkward situations. Despite this, his arrogant attitude has never changed throughout the years and still he enters tournaments striving to prove himself to be the “best in the universe” (he means this literally, according to his ending in Tekken 5). Paul has always been portrayed as being short-tempered, albeit kind-hearted, slightly dim-witted, brash, loud and totally presumptuous. He considers Kazuya Mishima to be his rival, though Kazuya tends to see him as little more than a nuisance at best.

Paul shares a deep friendship with Marshall Law, despite the two’s constant squabbling. Law is usually seen as Paul’s mentor or advice giver, and the pair tend to end up in the most bizarre of circumstances alongside other characters. Paul is also friends with Forrest Law and Steve Fox. Paul’s laziness usually results in him being bankrupt and in desperate need of money, leading him either to find temporary work as a bouncer or enter a tournament just to win the prize money to keep himself going a little while longer.

Paul and Marshall’s antics and get-rich-quick schemes are all well-known among the cast in the Scenario Campaign, and many characters will call both of them out for their shameless behavior.

Aparência: Paul is a well-built American with blue eyes, bushy eyebrows and an iconic high flat top hairstyle. Paul also has a scorpion tattoo on his right arm and, in Tekken 2, he also had two earrings in his left ear; these earrings are seen exclusively in this game, as they were removed for all future installments. In Tekken 4 Paul is also shown with his hair down and tied in a ponytail.

Paul’s outfits have not differed greatly throughout the series, with the two most recognizable and frequently seen being his black motorcycling leathers and his red judo gi, which he was also seen wearing with the top removed and tied around his waist in Tekken 4; it was in this same game where he was seen wearing another outfit, a more casual outfit of jeans and a t-shirt bearing a flaming skull image. Some of his outfits have differed by having noticeable embellishments, such as flames and skull logos.

Robô de Elite

Robô de Elite da Shadaloo

Estes robôs de elite são os guardas das profundezas da Ilha de Mriganka, especialistas em eliminar invasores.

Desenvolvidos pelos cientistas da Shadaloo, os Robôs de Elite são razoavelmente baratos de se construir e 100% leais à Shadaloo, uma vez que sua programação é básica, como “matem todos que cruzarem este corredor” ou “atirem em qualquer coisa que se mover”. E eles tem desempenhado muito bem suas funções, uma vez que nem mesmo os guardas da Shadaloo ousam se aproximar dos corredores protegidos por eles…

Manobra Especial: Electro Bolt

Este arco de eletricidade pode alcançar até cinco hexágonos de distância e ele consome um ponto de energia do robô (Chi).

* OBS: as Técnicas de Robô de Elite foram deduzidas a partir de suas manobras e as habilidades com base em sua história. 

Tagas Khru

Altura: 1,80
Peso: 78kg
País: Tailândia
Nascimento: 1953 (34 anos)

Tagas cresceu numa das províncias mais pobres da Tailândia. Ele aprendeu que apenas os mais fortes poderiam ser alguém na vida e começou a treinar cedo para desenvolver seu corpo e sua mente. Ele estudou Muay Thai e entrou na sua primeira competição aos quinze anos de idade, onde conheceu aquele que seria o seu eterno rival: Sagat. Sagat demonstrava pouca piedade aos seus adversários e sempre esmagava seus oponentes, Tagas era o oposto: procurava ajudar os demais alunos e dividia o seu tempo praticando Muay Thai com a atividade do corte de cana para ajudar a sustentar sua família.

Aos 22 anos, ele e Sagat eram lendas locais. Era difícil dizer qual dos dois era o melhor lutador e ora um ganhava, ora outro, os torneios de Thai Kickboxe e isso estava deixando Sagat profundamente irado, enquanto Tagas apreciava a rivalidade e a via como saudável aos dois. No entanto, boatos corriam de que Tagas era superior e que ele nunca dava tudo de si nos combates, permitindo que Sagat vencesse alguns combates, inclusive.

Verdade seja dita, Tagas nunca foi obcecado por artes marciais. Embora possuísse uma aptidão nata, ele tinha responsabilidade para com sua família e as lutas eram uma forma de aumentar a renda familiar. Já para Sagat, lutar era sua razão de viver e essa obsessão estava tornando-o cada dia mais violento. Ao saber de tais boatos, de que Tagas estava arruinando seu nome, Sagat não quis deixar barato e decidiu que eles resolveriam esse impasse de uma vez por todas, e que o perdedor jamais poderia entrar em um ringue novamente pois somente um deles seria digno de enfrentar Nuah Kahn, o campeão de Muay Thai à época, no campeonato nacional.

Tagas inicialmente recusou o combate e disse que Sagat poderia ir enfrentar o campeão pelo título, que ele não se importava. Mas outro lutador se importou: Go Hibiki. Go era um mestre local de artes marciais e não gostava de Sagat, decidindo desafiá-lo. Mais tarde, Tagas ficou sabendo que Go foi parar no hospital após cegar Sagat de um olho e que não sobreviveu aos ferimentos, falecendo pouco depois, deixando um filho órfão.

Tagas ficou furioso e decidiu aceitar o desafio. Alguém tinha de parar o assassino.

A luta entre os rivais foi aos pés da estátua de Buda, arena favorita de Sagat, ao pôr do sol. Ele estava lá, agora de tapa olho por causa do ferimento que o marcaria para sempre, aguardando por Tagas com um sorriso nos lábios. Um sorriso que Tagas jamais esqueceria.

Ele e Sagat lutaram, mas o que parecia é que o dano ao seu olho direito havia lhe despertado algo dentro de si, algo bestial como um tigre que estava enjaulado que finalmente tinha se libertado. Sagat estava imbatível e Tagas sentiu isso. Ele falhou em parar Sagat.

Tagas foi encontrado desacordado por uma camponesa, em uma poça de sangue com várias fraturas pelo corpo. Demoraria dias para ele acordar e meses para voltar a andar. Mais tarde ele descobriu que o mesmo havia acontecido com Go, mas que ele não havia sobrevivido aos ferimentos, que Sagat não o tinha matado intencionalmente, o que lhe deixou com alguma esperança de que Sagat não tinha virado um assassino.

A camponesa que cuidou dele tinha um menino, Kiet, a quem Tagas passou a ajudar na educação, como uma forma de retribuir para a moça, que era mãe solteira e passava dificuldades para sustentar o garoto sozinha. Embora ele não pudesse lutar, até mesmo em virtude do acordo com Sagat, voltou a trabalhar na plantação de cana e a treinar o jovem no Thai Kickboxe, para que ele algum dia possa parar Sagat, caso seja necessário.

Aparência: um homem que já esteve em forma física melhor, mas que ainda ostenta bons músculos. Cabelos castanhos, pele bronzeada, várias tatuagens tribais que se misturam a cicatrizes do treino e trabalho duro cortando cana.

Interpretando Tagas: você foi um excelente lutador e poderia ter sido o número um, se quisesse isso para si. Ver no que Sagat se tornou é pior do que ter sido derrotado por ele. Você espera poder passar para a nova geração o verdadeiro Muay Thai, e não aquela busca por violência e dinheiro que Sagat vem mostrando ao mundo.

Tagas em Jogo

A luta com Sagat deixou sequelas permanentes em uma das pernas de Tagas, o que faz com que ele tenha um redutor de -1 de movimento em todas as manobras cujo movimento não seja fixo (como apresamentos). Além disso, oponentes que descubram e explorem a sua perna lesionada podem usar isso ao seu favor, causando +1 de dano contra Tagas (e perdendo Honra por isso).

Outra característica marcante de Tagas é que ele não quer que seu aluno se torne um novo Sagat, então evita ensinar manobras desonradas (como Ear Pop) ou brutais (como Head Bite) que poderiam fazer o lutador perder o controle.

Tagas é um Sensei 3 para lutadores de Thai Kickboxe e outras artes marciais focadas em chutes, cotoveladas e joelhadas.


Eduardo “Edu” Oliveira

Altura: 1,69m
Peso: 75kg
País: Brasil
Nascimento: 1967 (20 anos)

No Brasil, o jovem Edu(ardo) de Oliveira treina Capoeira para fugir da criminalidade e da violência das favelas cariocas. Vendedor de bala e outros tantos bicos que faz para ajudar em casa, é muito pobre e tenta de tudo para ser alguém do qual seus pais possam se orgulhar, além de ajudá-los a sair da pobreza. Seu pai é construtor civil e está impossibilitado de trabalhar, enquanto sua mãe é diarista, ralando bastante para sustentar ele e a irmã de 15 anos.

O mestre de Edu, Eddy Gordo, apóia comunidades pobres pelo mundo com uma ong de escolas de capoeira, sendo que dois de seus discípulos se destacam: Edu e Denzil, um jovem rico da alta sociedade carioca que usa a Capoeira como desculpa para liberar sua violência nos outros, principalmente de classes sociais inferiores. A família de Denzil, os Kincaid, bancam todas as vontades do garoto e inclusive decidem patrocinar a ida de Eddy Gordo e do melhor aluno da escola para o torneio de Sagat, que eles conseguiram uma vaga. A princípio iria Denzil, mas Eddy colocou como condição que o melhor aluno da escola fosse e assim ficou para os dois decidirem na arena.

Foi uma luta intensa com a platéia envolvendo cada vez mais os lutadores até que Edu venceu, para desgraça de Denzil que agora tornou-se seu rival, inclusive convencendo seus pais a demitirem a mãe de Edu que limpava a casa deles. Agora Eddy e Edu vão para a Tailândia, patrocinados pelos Kincaid, competir no torneio, sendo Eddy na categoria profissional e Edu na amadora.

Junto do Dream Team, Edu vislumbra um futuro brilhante pela frente.

Aparência: mulato claro, cabelo espetado para cima.

Interpretando Edu: um jovem responsável e dedicado aos treinos. Ele deseja muito honrar o seu mestre e ajudar a sua família e para isso luta com todas as suas forças, evitando os “caminho fáceis” da pobreza carioca e resistindo às provocações do seu arqui-rival. Bondoso, não tolera injustiças e jamais cogita jogar sujo para vencer um oponente.