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Jogador de RPG há 14 anos, tendo 2 anos de experiência narrando SF RPG ininterruptamente e depois mais algumas crônicas avulsas e aventuras one-shot neste que é seu RPG favorito. Também já mestrou 3D&T, GURPS, d20/D&D (2 a 3.5), MERP, Daemon/Trevas e cenários Storyteller em geral.

Kyle Travers

Em construção…



Age: around Cody’s FF1 age? (22-24. The game implies he was just a kid during FF1, which took place many years ago, and Kyle’s old enough to have a girlfriend who’s old enough to be a bartender. Also he seems to have graduated college based on a degree in his apartment. No idea how THAT worked out)
Native place: assumedly America
Fighting style: assumedly street fighting

Final Fight Streetwise: At the fight club after a little pep talk from his brother Cody, Kyle pulls a comeback and sends Handsome Bob to the mat, much to the cheers of the audience (especially those that bet on him). Later outside, Kyle is drinking some beer when Cody arrives with the pit fight money, annoyed that Kyle didn’t get it himself but commenting that they were
at least making ends meet. He tells Kyle to meet him at the Barfly in 30 minutes but doesn’t explain the 30-minute wait.

After punching some random people for randomly trying to punch him, Kyle arrives at the Barfly early. To kill time, he plays some pool with the Barfly bartender (and his girlfriend) Vanessa Sims, although she wins easily as expected. Cody arrives late and aggravated, prompting Kyle to apologize for the earlier fight with Handsome Bob not going so well at first. His brother promptly responds that wasn’t the reason he was mad, but that he’s getting tired of waiting for Kyle to live up to his potential and then tells Kyle that he himself wants to be able to fight again. Kyle points out that Cody’s knee problem makes that rather unlikely, but Cody responds that he found something that could help. The two are interupted when Devin “The Stiff” arrives and tells Cody that “he” wants to see him. Cody refuses, saying “he knows the deal”, to which Stiff replies “Deal’s changed.” Kyle has absolutely no idea what’s going on, but doesn’t take long to figure out that whatever it is, it’s trouble. Especially when a rather annoyed Stiff decides to slam a chair over Cody’s head. Cody yells at Kyle to back him up, and the two brothers begin to lay the whoop ass on Stiff’s goons, promptly trashing the entire bar in the process, with Kyle noting with dismay in his journal that Vanessa was going to kill him for that. Eventually the bar brawl ended with Stiff pointing a gun to Kyle, who responded by spitting in his face. Stiff, in turn, gave his own response by whacking Kyle in the head with his pistol, knocking him out as Stiff’s men held Cody back.

Kyle wakes up in his apartment with Vanessa at his side who tells him that the Stiff left with Cody, to which Kyle responds that he’s going after him, much to Vanessa’s protests. A piece of paper that was left behind from the brawl had “Metro City Diner” scrawled on its back, so with that as his only clue, Kyle headed there. The cashier at the desk refused to give him any
information until he helped out with a little cockroach problem, generally by running around like an idiot trying to stomp them to pieces as onlooking customers laughed. Making a note in his journal never to eat there again because Kyle rather disliked the idea of roaches in his sandwich, Kyle is told that apparently the local porn theatre manager Weasel was spotted
with the Stiff.

After arm-wrestling an extremely bored porn cashier who apparently finds arm-wrestling more entertaining than pornography, Kyle enters the manager’s room, where Weasel and a hooker are busy with… stuff. Weasel denies any involvement with Stiff, but the Bible on his desk with the words “The Stiff” on it denies Weasel’s denial. Kyle apologizes to the lady in the room with
the violence she is about to witness, chases Weasel down, and proceeds to slam the door on his head a few times until Weasel finally tells Kyle that Stiff is at the warehouse and to bring the Bible there to talk to him.

The Bible convinces the doorman at the warehouse to let Kyle in, although upon entering, he just barely dodges a crate that fell from above. Weasel, behind the warehouse crane’s controls, angrily orders his gang of Blue Ballers to get him while he attempts to crush Kyle with more boxes. When his gang is defeated, Weasel realizes that his plan isn’t working and jumps into a forklift to try to run Kyle down. This plan only results in severe whiplash from constantly crashing into walls as Kyle got out of the way, and soon Weasel was in Kyle’s clutches once again. He begs “Not the face!”, but his ugly face is spared thanks to his cell phone ringing. Kyle makes him answer it, and eavesdrops as Stiff tells Weasel to meet him at the hotel. Sparing Weasel’s face, Kyle knocks him out by smacking him in the back of his head and leaves, getting more angry at all the crap he has to go through to find his brother.

Pondering just how angry, Kyle at the Barfly asks Vanessa if she’s ever killed anyone. Vanessa replies that she will if he ends up drinking all her beer without sharing any of it with her, cutting off the rest of the subject. Kyle tells her that he has no idea which hotel the Stiff could be talking about, so she suggests he go see 2-Ill. Kyle objects but doesn’t have any choice, so he heads down to the train station where 2-Ill was hanging out, only to have 2-Ill tell him that he couldn’t help Kyle because he was in a heap of trouble at the moment. 2-Ill immediately runs off, a bunch of Metro City thugs hot on his tail, and Kyle on theirs to try to rescue the guy. Kyle quickly paid the local tattoo parlor managor Paco (who just happened to be standing there) 100 dollars to help out because he looked like he could at least throw a punch (although Paco generally is more useful due to him simply providing an extra human shield for 2-Ill’s vulnerable self). The three beat back the attacking gang, and 2-Ill is impressed at how much Kyle’s fighting abilities have grown. As thanks for Kyle saving him, he gives Kyle information for free, telling Kyle that Stiff is at the Bijou Hotel at the pier district.

Doing a poor impression of Solid Snake, Kyle makes his way through the hotel, stealthily avoiding Stiff’s goons. …or simply just running up to them and punching out their lights just like everything else, but he could pretend to be stealthy and sneak up on them if he wants to. A couple of guard dogs also felt the wrath of Kyle’s cockroach-crushing feet. Along the way, Kyle is accosted by some Metro City civilians who ramble about a new drug they’ve got. Their eyes are glowing green and they look more like zombies than people, but Kyle clobbers them all the same when they attack. At the top of the hotel, Kyle surprises one of Stiff’s men by knocking him off the building, before tackling the other and breaking through the glass roof window to the penthouse, falling down right behind the Stiff and ruining his moment of contemplation from looking at the bridge across the ocean. Ignoring the fact that the rest of the hotel is a trash dump for some reason, Stiff laments about how he just had the carpet cleaned. Kyle demands that Stiff tell him where Cody is. Stiff says that Cody was stuck in the glory days still, so he hooked Cody up with Vitto to pit fight in Little Italy. Kyle doesn’t believe him, and Stiff, annoyed at this, whips out a pistol and fires at Kyle. With his own pistol that he took from the guards, Kyle fired back, and after a brief gunfight, chased Stiff to the roof of the hotel. Outside on the roof, Kyle tells Stiff that he’s not looking to kill him and just wants to know where Cody is. Stiff again says that Cody is with Vitto, after remarking that he didn’t think Kyle cared for guns. Kyle still doesn’t believe him, so they continue the fight with their fists. It ends with Stiff getting knocked off the rooftop, but Kyle grabs him by the hand before he could fall to his death. Kyle tries to get more info from Stiff, asking about the Bible, but Stiff replies that it’s not for religious purposes and he’ll burn in hell some day, but not tonight. He mocks Kyle, saying that Kyle isn’t a killer and won’t let him fall to his death. He then shocks Kyle by saying that not only is Cody with Vitto, but he’s also now with them. Kyle tells him that he’s lying, and Stiff pulls out his pistol again and orders Kyle to let him up or else he’ll shoot Kyle on the count of three. He counts “one”, then “two”, and then Kyle, weary and tired and frustrated, lets go on three, sending Stiff falling to his doom, futilely shooting in all directions. Apparently, Stiff wasn’t paying attention earlier when Kyle knocked one of his men off the roof to their generic enemy doom as well. Nor did he research into the Travers’ penchant for making villains fall off of high places.

Kyle arrives back at the Barfly to see Vanessa’s brother Sgt. Sims, waiting for him because Vanessa asked him for his help. It’s help that Kyle doesn’t care for due to his dislike of cops, but Sims surprises him when he tells Kyle that Cody is pit fighting in Little Italy. A complete shock despite Stiff saying that three times. He warns about a new drug going around and tells
Kyle not to get involved before leaving. Afterwards, Kyle shows the Bible to Vanessa, still not knowing what it’s for, but then a flask with a glowing green substance falls out, as well as a map that leads to Little Italy.

Kyle busts into Vitto’s Restaurant at Little Italy, demanding to know where Cody is. Vitto tells his men to ‘escort’ him out, prompting yet another brawl in a dining establishment that leads to much destruction. Even Vitto’s rather angered chefs joined in the combat, but Kyle just beat them up too. Vitto tells them to stop, realizing it was going nowhere. Kyle offers a deal where he’ll pit fight for Vitto if he tells Kyle where Cody is. Vitto refuses, making Kyle state that the last person between him and Cody was sent plummeting to his death. At this, Vitto perks up and says Kyle should have said that he was the one who killed the Stiff sooner because then Kyle’d have his gratitude, and gratitude earns respect. Kyle isn’t impressed, and Vitto
finally tells one his fighters to escort Kyle to the basement for an “interview”. The fighter stretches before leading Kyle away, happy to oblige.

The interview went well, with Kyle whomping Ghost in the ensuing pit fight. Afterwards, he repeats his demand to know where Cody is. Vitto states that while Kyle was a good fighter, he despised Kyle’s lack of respect. His other men are too afraid of Kyle by this point to kick Kyle out, so Vitto’s top assassin Blades quickly leaps in and grabs Kyle at knife-point. Vitto tells Blades not to kill him because they’ve gotten into too much heat from all the ruckus already, so Blades dumps Kyle off back at Kyle’s hood, saying that next time he’ll send a ice pick through Kyle’s head. Kyle wonders why bother waiting when they could just fight now, but Blades brushes him off and leaves.

Vanessa, always one to suggest random informants that Kyle doesn’t like, tells Kyle to go see Psychic (Madame Celeste) for possible leads. After a quick game of concentration disguised as some powerful occult fortune reading card set-up, Celeste tells Kyle that help will come from Cody’s apartment. Kyle wonders how he’ll get into Cody’s apartment but then Celeste hands him the
keys to it. He then wonders how Celeste managed to get the keys to Cody’s apartment. …for all of one second. Cody’s answering machine at his apartment contained much less intrusive looks into Cody’s private life, containing nothing but some calls from Kyle asking where the heck Cody was, and a call from Haggar asking the same thing and inviting Cody to go have some drinks at the bar. Kyle finds half of a photo with Haggar in it along with Cody, and “Pier 15” on the back, so he decides to go there. After quick call to 2-Ill to find out where Pier 15 is, as well as get an offer from 2-Ill to help out that Kyle doesn’t give a crap about because 2-Ill will likely charge him for such help anyways, Kyle heads to Mike’s Maritime Maintenance at Pier

The pier is overrun by the Punx, but their cheap imitation Damnd whistles, light-pressing password puzzles, and randomly raining cheap imitation Rolento grenades are no match for Kyle’s button mashing skills. Their massive numbers on the other hand, were starting to be a problem until Haggar himself came out of his gym to lend a hand. After beating all of the thugs, Haggar tells Kyle that Kyle better not cause trouble in his neighborhood, or else. Kyle doesn’t notice, being too much in awe at being with THE man Mike Haggar to be afraid. He introduces himself as Cody’s brother Kyle, whereupon Haggar smiles and says that it’s been a long time since he’s seen him. He remarks that Kyle probably doesn’t remember him anymore, but not many people do.
Haggar sadly does not know anything about where Cody is, but hopes that Cody didn’t get caught up in the new GLOW drug hitting the streets. Contrary to what Cody might think, GLOW won’t make him stronger but will kill him. Kyle laments that he hit another dead end, so Haggar teaches him a few moves so the night won’t be an entire waste. Finally, Kyle is ready to go try Vitto again, and Haggar gives him some advice to show Vitto some respect, as that might get him a bit farther. He also says that he still has some friends in the Metro City police and will try to get them to help.

At Vitto’s restaurant, Vitto is talking to a priest, saying that he needs some help with something but is interrupted when Kyle walks in. The priest decides to make his exit, but takes a moment to look at Kyle and smile at him before he walks out. Vitto is mad, but Kyle apologizes for his lack of respect earlier. He repeats his deal of fighting for Vitto, so Vitto decides to let him have another go. At the pit fight in the basement, Kyle manages to defeat Andore (likely thanks to the tried and true technique of running around in lots of circles for most of the time). Back at the restaurant, Vitto tells Kyle that Cody fought for him and made him a bundle of money, but he had to let Cody go because Cody got hooked on GLOW. He lets Kyle keep his share of the money, saying that he’d never cheat a stand-up guy like Kyle out of his fair share, and apologizes that he doesn’t know where Cody is anymore, and he tells Kyle to be careful, as going after GLOW will likely be more than he can handle. Outside, Kyle calls Vanessa and says he’s going to check out Bijou Hotel again, having no other leads.

At the Bijou Hotel, Kyle randomly lucks out because for whatever reason, Cody is there. Cody jumps three stories to land right in front of Kyle, where he orders Kyle to go home, his eyes glowing green with the drug of GLOW and his voice sounding like he got possessed by a demon in some cheesy B-Movie. Kyle refuses and tries to persuade Cody to come with him, but is interrupted by Sgt. Sims, who tells Kyle to back away from his brother as he points a gun at Cody.

Kyle tries to stop Sims and Cody gets away. Sims explains to Kyle that Cody got into a heap of trouble and also tells Kyle to stay out of things before running after Cody. Fortunately, he didn’t notice that Cody dropped his wallet. Kyle picks it up and notices the second half of the photograph, this time with some guy in it in red with a tattoo. He heads back to the hood and calls 2-Ill to ask where the tattoo parlor manager Paco might be. Predictably, 2-Ill replies that the manager Paco is at the tattoo parlor.

House inspector is coming so Kyle is forced to run around like an idiot once again stomping cockroaches in his apartment as well as a bunch of rats that apparently got hooked on GLOW but go squish just as easily as the cockroaches do. After Paco is done making Kyle do that (because they live in the same building), Paco tells Kyle the tattoo in the photo was made by Lou “the Skin” at Japantown, so Kyle heads over there.

At The Dragon’s Skin, after putting up with Lou rambling over which tattoo to give Kyle, Kyle shows Lou the photo, saying he wants to see the man in it. Lou obliges by smashing a cash register over his head.

Kyle wakes up in Lou’s basement surrounded by ninjas, Lou, and the man in the photo, Guy. Lou tells Guy that Kyle’s wallet says that he’s Cody, and Guy demands to know why Kyle is lying about who he is, but Kyle simply tells them that only cheap shots could take him down. At this, Guy tells his men to show Kyle what happens to those who don’t answer his questions, so Guy’s men untie Kyle and attempt to extract the information from Kyle forcefully, forming a ring around Kyle where they’d charge in with hit-and-run attacks while the rest looked for openings. Lou eagerly jumps in to fight as well after the men are defeated, but Kyle manages to beat him too. Frustrated, Lou encourages Guy to kick Kyle’s ass as Guy throws off his business suit for his bushin gi and approaches Kyle. A simple demonstration of some ridiculously fast katas shocks the hell out of Kyle and makes him decide that it’d probably be a good time to explain that he isn’t Cody. He explains that he’s Cody’s brother but that Cody got into a lot of trouble with GLOW and Vitto, among other things. Hearing this, Guy decides to listen and invites Kyle to his dojo. There, Guy tells Kyle about his past with Cody, about how Cody went to jail for one of Guy’s crimes so that Guy could go free. He says that from what he knows about Cody, Cody would give his life for Kyle. He regrets that Cody had to go to jail for him but that some debts could never be repaid. After this, he decides to ‘quiz’ Kyle a bit. He tests Kyle in his dojo by teaching Kyle how to do the ki-based charge punch. After the sparring, Kyle’s skill proves to Guy that he is indeed Cody’s brother. Guy takes Kyle to the lounge area of the dojo. Around
the table, he tells Kyle that he’s proud about how he’s managed to maintain order in Japantown and is fighting against the drug, and trying to keep it from entering the area. However, it’s proving very difficult, and sometimes Guy wonders if the man behind GLOW is merely giving the people what they want. He tells Kyle that from what he knows, the man behind GLOW is a man with no face, but that he has a strong influence in Little Italy, and Guy has his men investigating it. At that point, Blades bursts in and tosses the head of one of Guy’s men to Guy and Kyle, with dynamite strapped to it. Guy and Kyle get out of the way in time as it explodes, but the dojo they’re in is now on fire and the whole building threatens to collapse on them both. Worse off, Stiff’s men have come in to help finish the job. Guy quickly leads Kyle to the exit, but falling debris and flames constantly get in the way. The flames were good for tossing mobsters
and angry schoolgirls into them though. …why a bunch of angry schoolgirls also decided to get in on the flaming fun is a mystery. Regardless, thanks to the help of a fire extinguisher (oh, and Guy too), Kyle and Guy escape just as the dojo explodes. Kyle tells Guy that Blades was one of Vitto’s men (not that Guy didn’t know that already), and that he was a fool to trust Vitto. Kyle goes after Vitto, while Guy stays behind to gather his resources, saying the war has just begun. Kyle tells him that he’s glad Guy’s on his side, and after a call from a concerned Vanessa warning him that something nasty is going on down throughout the city, Kyle leaves for Little Italy. Guy watches with a frown, possibly wondering if he and Kyle really were on the same side.

Vitto isn’t at the restaurant. One of the chefs offers to tell Kyle where he is if Kyle helps stomp out a little GLOW rat infestation of the place. After running around like an idiot squishing giant green-eyed glowing rats, the chef tells Kyle that Vitto is at the church. The chef remarks that it’s a good thing it’s a dark carpet while Kyle makes a note to himself to call the health inspector on the place as he heads over to the church.

Kyle sneaks into the church to spy on Vitto, who is talking with the priest that Kyle saw earlier, Father Bella. Blades is there as well. Vitto tells the priest that for all his efforts, GLOW continues to spread throughout Little Italy and he can’t stop it. Worse off, people are beginning to think that he’s the cause of the drug. He tells Bella that he isn’t an angel, but
that GLOW is not his doing and he was a persecuted man. Bella tries to calm him down and suggests a prayer. Vitto kneels down to try to pray, but this is put to a quick end when Blades slams an ice pick through his skull. Bella tells Blades to take the body out back, and that he might need him to kill Cody, in case Cody started to become too troublesome as well. No one must stop their revelation, to which Blades solemnly nods and agrees. Kyle is shocked, wondering why a priest of all people would have someone killed. He realizes that first of all, he has to take Blades out of the picture immediately, and follows Blades out back to the graveyard. Blades is more than happy to finally have his chance to stab Kyle, but Kyle’s fighting skills (along with a submachine gun that happened to be lying around) proved too much for him.

Outside, Kyle receives a call on his cellphone from Guy. Guy found Kyle’s brother. Kyle says he’s on his way to Japantown, but Guy warns him that Japantown has changed. When Kyle shrugs this off, Guy also warns him that his brother has changed as well. At Lou’s tattoo parlor, Cody is tied to a chair trying to break out and rambling like a madman, his eyes still glowing from the drug. Guy tells Kyle that unless they stop GLOW, there will soon be nothing left of the city worth saving, to which Kyle responds that if Guy hasn’t noticed, there isn’t much worth saving in the city anyways. All Kyle cares about now is beating up the jerk who did this to his brother, so a rather unimpressed Guy tells him that he should start with Nicky Wissell, who’s shipping in GLOW using trucks from his porn business. Kyle suddenly realizes why Weasel had that Bible from Stiff, and tells Guy to keep an eye on his brother while he goes to find out from Weasel where the source of GLOW is.

At the warehouse, a vengeful Weasel attempts to take out Kyle by throwing grenades while Kyle takes on his Blue Ballers, some of whom had become hooked on GLOW themselves. This plan ultimately fails and Kyle once again is slamming doors on Weasel’s head (this time using the garage). Weasel tells him that the GLOW-producing factory is at the fish packing plant at the Pier. Outside the warehouse, Guy calls Kyle to tell him that Cody was too powerful and escaped. The only option left is to remove the source of GLOW at the lab, and the two decide to meet at the Pier. Guy tells Kyle to take a shortcut through the freight trains.

The pier is overrun by riots from Punx and more GLOW addicts (GLOWheads). Kyle meets up with Guy at the Pier lighthouse and the two bust into the fish plant. Stiff’s goons and a bunch of GLOW butchers are waiting for them, but are no match for the two. Guy tells Kyle they should split up, and he’ll go take the stairs while Kyle takes the cargo elevator. Kyle agrees, and eventually finds himself in a room with tons of boxes of GLOW as well as a conveniently-placed gun turret in the center, which blows away all the GLOW boxes, GLOWheads, GLOW butchers, and Stiff goons quite handily, and Kyle eventually discovers a hidden passageway behind all the debris.

In another section of the lab, a female scientist is working on something underneath a sheet when Kyle arrives via air vent. Kyle suspects that she’s the mastermind behind GLOW, but she doesn’t seem to fear him at all and doesn’t even bother to answer his questions until Kyle finally grabs her by the shoulders a bit. She introduces herself to him as Dr. Chang, but that she doesn’t have time to concern herself with just one simple junkie like Kyle’s brother Cody. This of course pisses Kyle off, so Chang tells him that a lot of other people besides Cody are suffering too, and explains that Bella forced her to produce the drug and that she’s not happy about it. However, she does inform him that she could detoxify Cody depending on the situation, but Kyle is interrupted by a phone call from Guy before she can finish. Guy tells him that the explosives that he never told Kyle about earlier were primed and ready and to get out of the lab immediately. Kyle is shocked, but Guy says that such drastic measures are necessary to stop the drug. Kyle turns around to get the doctor but then notices her leaving in an elevator. Before he could go after her, the being on the table ripped its sheet off and laughed at Kyle as he recognized it as the Stiff! But only barely, as Stiff had been infused with so much GLOW that he had green spikes glowing out of his back and even had GLOW glowing through him, particularly through the two letters “D” and “E” cut into his chest. Stiff maniacally laughs before grabbing a nearby GLOW rat that was running by and devouring it, empowering him even more. In the ensuing battle consisting of falling cable wires, spiky projectiles, and an enraged Stiff (now “Stiff Death”), Kyle managed to stomp out the majority of the GLOW rats hiding in crates in the lab before Stiff could consume them and regenerate, and eventually managed to defeat the mutated man. Stiff Death’s GLOW running out, he fell to the ground before crumbling to dust.

Kyle escapes from the exploding lab just in time (again). Rather beaten, he meets up with Guy who tells him that he didn’t see any scientist leaving the lab. Kyle promptly loses consciousness.

Despite what Guy had just said, Chang is there to treat Kyle as he wakes up in Haggar’s gym. Guy pulls out a gun, demanding that she tell him where the mastermind behind GLOW is, but Haggar stops him, saying that wasn’t how they’d do things, so Guy argues that it’s the only way they can stop GLOW. Kyle interrupts and tells them both to knock it off, then asks Chang how to reverse the effects of GLOW so he can cure Cody. She tells him that like any other drug, GLOW wears off over time, but before she could fully detail the withdrawal symptoms, Kyle notices a newscast on the TV showing his hood in complete anarchy as Metro Citizens and gang members, now driven insane by GLOW, were rioting in the streets. Realizing that Vanessa is in danger, Kyle heads back to his hood. Chang decides to leave as well, telling Haggar that people were suffering and needed her help.

Kyle’s hood was strewn with debris, fire, and GLOWheads, including some absolutely humongous ones, but Kyle eventually managed to fight his way to the Barfly, where he found Vanessa unconscious and the bar in flames. More GLOWheads approached, ranting about crushing the sky and their brains being inside out and other nonsensicals. Angrily punching them away, more and more kept coming until 2-Ill arrived in his car, running several of the GLOWheads down and shooting the rest with his pistol (but totaling his car in the process). He tosses Kyle a gun and tells him that they need to get out of there, but they couldn’t leave without Vanessa. Fortunately, Vanessa had woken up by then, and tells Kyle she’s alright, knowing he’d come. Anarchy is everywhere and the three are swamped, but they continue to go forward and attempt to make their way out of the Hood for the safety of 2-Ill’s place. Fighting through more and more GLOWheads with Kyle’s fists, 2-Ill’s pistol, and Vanessa’s… nothing, the three finally arrive at 2-Ill’s hideout. They can discuss their next move. Kyle states that he’s going back to the church to go after Bella, and Vanessa asks to go with him. Not allowing his girlfriend to get into danger, Kyle refuses and tells 2-Ill that it’s time to go, but hearing that he’s about to be dragged
into things, 2-Ill quickly remarks that he isn’t going, whereupon Vanessa angrily tells him that he’s not going to get away with that. Vanessa calls him Two.P instead of 2-Ill while saying this, so 2-Ill responds that first, it isn’t his fight, and second, that Two.P stuff was over long ago. However, he decides to help Kyle out by telling Kyle of a shortcut to the church through the sewers that he used to use back during the Mad Gear days.

Kyle arrives at the church which is already under siege by Sgt. Sims and what few policemen Sgt. Sims has left. After Kyle informs him that his sister Vanessa was okay and in a safe place, Sims tells Kyle that he’s running out of men and has no idea what’s waiting for them in the church, but that they have to stop the person behind GLOW. He tells Kyle to stay back and proceeds to storm the church with his men, but then Kyle notices Father Bella on the rooftop armed with a grenade, declaring to God, “Thy will be done”, before dropping it. Kyle tells Sims to pull back in time to make it so the grenade only hurts instead of instantly kills him and his men, but then tons of GLOWheads burst out of the church and attacked as Bella threw more grenades down from above. In the ensuing battle, all of Sim’s men were killed, but Sim and Kyle managed to survive. They entered the church, where Bella is talking about how the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
were given the power of war, famine, pestilence, and death to end the earth as was foretold by the Bible. Chang is with him, and she tells him that what he’s doing is madness. To this, Bella responds that he is simply the instrument of God, and he threatens Chang with his sword, forcing Chang to continue to work on four different subjects underneath sheets. Kyle reveals himself and demands to know where his brother is, to which Bella responds that his brother is free of human frailty and that now Kyle must repent or die. At this point, one of the subjects removes
his sheet and looks at Kyle, recognizing him. He laughs, “Not the face!” and Kyle realizes that it’s Weasel, although by now Weasel was infused with GLOW and was rather ripped with “WAR” inscribed on his chest with GLOW. He grabs Kyle and tosses him through the windows above, before following after him, leaving Sims behind.

Outside in the graveyard, Weasel War begins unloading on Kyle with a huge machine gun and grenades. Kyle used the trees as cover until an opening was available, and used the shotguns, pistols, and grenades conveniently lying around (for whatever reason) to return fire. Eventually overpowered by Kyle’s assault, Weasel War’s entire upper torso is blown up and explodes.

Back inside the church, Kyle makes his way to a sort of butcher room, where he hears slicing and chopping noises. He peeps into the room to see a mutated lanky Blades with “FAMINE” inscribed on his chest chopping someone up. Sighing but knowing he has to fight, Kyle enters the room and realizes that Blades’ victim was Sgt. Sims! Sims tells Kyle to run before Blades hacks off his head as Kyle shouts, unable to save him in time. Using his trademark knives and new stretchy arms, Blades Famine attacks Kyle but is eventually defeated and basically plops to the ground.

Further into the church in a large pentagonal room, Kyle sees Dr. Chang sitting up in the rafters, with a huge green monsterous skeletal being underneath, its gigantic spiky back and height reaching almost all the way up to Chang. Dr. Chang laments about how she could have created so many great and wonderful things, but all her talents were wasted by Bella. But despite this, she still has her wonderful creation and vision, Pestilence. Chang’s ranting reveals that she’s actually rather loony herself, and she doesn’t even pay attention to Kyle when he demands she tell him where Bella is, at least until he threatens that he’ll come up there. The doctor simply scoffs at this and then orders Pestilence to consume him, whereupon Pestilence savagely attacks! And by savagely attacks, I mean slooooowly walks around the room as his shell’s butt drips GLOW onto the ground, every once in a while stopping to throw easily-dodged pieces of it at Kyle and every once in a while barfing GLOW bombs in all directions. After an excitingly slow-paced molasses battle of Kyle tossing said GLOW bombs back at the creature, his shell was blown off and he became much faster, swiping at Kyle, throwing GLOW bits at him, and ripping off entire church benches to try to slam on him. Kyle eventually managed to overcome the beast and it melted into its own goo. But by then, Dr. Chang was gone.

Kyle finally confronts Bella on the church rooftop, who calls him Cain, just like Cain and Abel in the Bible, so Kyle responds that ‘Cain’ is going to kick his ass. He once again demands to see his brother, so Bella tells him that he feels Kyle’s pain, for he used to have a brother he cared about as well. Bella tells Kyle that long ago, his own brother came to America seeking happiness, but then Cody savagely killed him. Kyle is stumped about this, telling Bella that Cody is a hero who did more good for the city than Bella could ever dream of. Bella brushes him off, proclaiming that his suffering led to his inspiration, which in turn would lead to Kyle’s death! At this, he points to the side, and Kyle turns his head only to see his own brother, now horribly mutated from GLOW into a sort of hulk with green glowing eyes and the word “DEATH” cut into his chest. Bella proclaims that he’s going to have an eye for an eye, brother for brother, Cain to Abel, and now he was going to kill Cody’s brother as well. Pissed, Kyle tells Bella that he’ll be praying for his own death when Kyle was through with him. Hearing this, Bella proclaims that his name isn’t actually Bella. It’s Belger! He was the brother of the leader of Mad Gear that Cody killed years ago. His prized Horseman of Death, Cody, attacks Kyle. Cody Death, completely consumed by the GLOW, is unable to listen to Kyle’s pleas about being his brother, but upon hitting Kyle, struggles with himself to stop. Kyle takes advantage of this, and eventually defeats his own brother, whereupon Father Belger revives him with GLOW and tells him that he will be fighting at Death’s side. Belger attempts to take Kyle out with grenades and rocket launchers while Cody Death attacks with burning GLOW flames and sheer brute force, but eventually Cody Death is taken down again. Belger then attempts to revive Cody while fighting off Kyle with a machine gun and his sword, putting him into position for Kyle’s own attacks. Eventually, Cody Death finally got up and tried kill Kyle one last time. Approaching Kyle slowly, Kyle again tries to get Cody to recognize him, but at that moment, Cody Death is shot in the back by Belger, who proclaims that he will not allow his vengeance to be taken away from him and he’ll kill Kyle himself. He approachs Kyle with his gun pointed at Kyle, but then Cody Death gets up and launches himself at Belger, sending the two of them flying off the rooftop, with Kyle shouting after his brother.

On the ground outside, a wounded Belger attempts to crawl to and reach his gun, but Kyle grabs it just out of his reach. Father Belger proclaims that he’s Kyle’s savior, but Kyle replies that he’s actually nothing, and shoots him in the head. He then dashes to an unconscious Cody Death and says that everything will be okay.

At the hospital, a beat-up Kyle and Cody are in separate hospital beds in the same room. The effects of GLOW have mostly worn off and Cody is now a normal human being again. He and Kyle joke for a bit as if nothing happened, but when Cody finally begins to ask why Kyle went through so much trouble to help him, Kyle interrupts saying that Cody would do the same for him and that it was for survival, so the two brothers punch their fists together in agreement. They wonder when their next fight should be, at which Vanessa enters the room and tells them to knock it off, because neither of them would be fighting for a while. Cody responds that at least now, his knees never felt better. He kicks his knees around a bit, realizes something, and then begins to excitedly tell Kyle something about them before he notices that Kyle is distracted by the television set. On the set, a news reporter states that Dr. Chang was taken in for questioning after the incident but was released. Cody asks Kyle what’s wrong, but Kyle quickly shakes it off and responds “Nothing” as the news reporter states that the clean-up after the devastation was starting. Vanessa says that the nightmare was finally over and it was all just a bad memory, but she states this with sadness as she holds onto her deceased brother’s badge. Kyle, perhaps realizing this, sarcastically replies, “Yeah, right”. For now, Metro City was at peace again, but at a price?

Where he is now: Probably still going around kicking butt for a living. …this extremely brief “Where is He Now” section kinda makes me wonder what I was thinking when I typed out that friggin’ NOVEL above.

Miscellaneous Facts and Notes

Website profile: Kyle is Cody’s cocky and sometimes reckless younger brother. Though a bit unfocused compared to his legendary older sibling, Kyle shows natural fighting potential that Cody continually pushes him to develop further. Kyle’s devotion to his beloved Hood is surpassed only by his unspoken admiration for his big brother.

First introduced/created with Final Fight Streetwise.

Kyle was likely just a kid during the original Final Fight. Evidence:

2-Ill has been “running around these places since I was a kid.” Assumedly, Kyle is referring to 2-Ill’s ‘career’, which likely began with 2-Ill being Two.P during Mad Gear.

Cody is getting “old and slow.” Yet Kyle is not. Obviously Kyle must be a lot younger than Cody for this to be the case. Also the way Cody wants Kyle to live up to his potential and has been stated in an interview to be the one who was always taking care of Kyle implies an almost fatherly relationship, where Cody would be a lot older than Kyle.

The last Haggar saw Kyle, he was just a “scrawny knee’d bum.” It’s also been so long ago that Kyle doesn’t recall meeting Haggar in person before, but Haggar recalls meeting him. Presumably, they would have met when Haggar was still dealing with Cody on a more regular basis (IE, when Cody was saving Jessica and fighting alongside Haggar, both during Final Fight One). Also, the way Kyle idolizes Haggar in his journal seems almost more like the way someone remembers their childhood super hero.

Kyle never met Guy before. While it is rather improbable that Cody never introduced Guy to his little kid brother back during FF1, it’s even more improbable for Kyle to have never run into Guy if Kyle was a teenager because assumedly Kyle would be getting out a lot more at that age.

Cody almost seems more like a father than a brother to Kyle sometimes. Most telling is how frustrated Cody is that Kyle isn’t living up to his potential. Cody (who possibly has the typical “father wants to live his glory days through his son” complex) is coaching Kyle to improve not as a rival but as someone who’s raising him. Cody being the older brother who is constantly taking care of the younger brother was confirmed in an interview with Tom Sekine as well. Of course, given that Cody is probably a LOT older than Kyle (Cody is probably 39 during Streetwise while Kyle is likely only 22 to 24), this isn’t too surprising.

Cody’s apartment is a lot bigger and cleaner than Kyle’s.

Paco indicates that the cockroaches that Kyle has to stomp in his apartment are a recurring problem. The GLOW rats were obviously new though.

Oddly enough, he seems to have a college degree on top of the shelf in his apartment (it seems to say ‘college’ on it). The guy pit fights for a living, Cody implies they’re only barely making ends meet, his apartment is small and run-down (and Cody’s bigger cleaner apartment shows that Kyle’s wasn’t small just due to game constraints), and yet he has a college degree. Maybe it’s a comment on the state of Metro City or something. Also might explain why Kyle is so pessimistic about Metro City when he tells Guy that there was nothing in the city to save from GLOW in the first place.

He also wears a pair of dog tags for some unknown reason. Perhaps he got into college on a military program? That also might explain why he smokes while Cody doesn’t (far as I know). Lots of men in the military smoke, and Guile and Nash do in some arts as well.

He smokes after particularly tiresome/annoying events are done (such as after Blades boots him out of Vitto’s).

Kyle’s been playing most of the various mini-games in Streetwise since he was a kid, including darts, shooting targets (ducks), and garbage can smash. He remarks in his journal for one of the smash games that he used to always kick Cody’s ass at that game when he was a kid (he says “when I was a kid”, not “when we were kids”. Cody and Kyle’s age difference is such that they weren’t kids at the same time). Of course, given that this is Kyle’s journal, it might be a bit biased (that and given how much older Cody was and Kyle was just a kid, I wouldn’t be surprised if he let Kyle win on purpose).

Everyone says that Kyle has a lot of potential, to which he remarks at the beginning of the game, “Potential’s good. If you’re feeling good about being potentially good” with a twinge of apathy. It’s not that Kyle’s unconfident (quite the opposite, really. He’s extremely confident in his journal for the most part). It’s just that he doesn’t really care too much to develop his skills beyond what he needs. Thus Cody is so frustrated at Kyle not living up to his potential. By the end, Kyle has developed into someone that Cody is proud of. Course, one could probably point out that the only reason Kyle’s ability developed thus is because Kyle was forced to get better at fighting for the sake of saving his brother. 😛 Kyle having potential but not being “The One” yet when FF:SW starts out is confirmed by an interview with Tom Sekine.

Kyle’s potential is meant to explain how in-game, Kyle can learn all those moves throughout the game so quickly, where even Guy and Haggar can teach him some of their moves within the span of a few hours (Kyle’s journal keeps track of the storyline date and time). So I guess he’s like Sakura in that he can pick up new moves extremely quickly. …did I just compare Kyle to Sakura? You know, this would be a lot easier to swallow if Capcom of Japan didn’t dissolve Capcom Studio 8 almost right after Streetwise came out. …whatever.

Unlike Cody, Kyle doesn’t really look forward to the thrill of the fight in particular. He’s more than happy to beat up people who tick him off, and he’s ‘always up for a new challenge’ and probably does enjoy fighting, but it’s never implied in his journal that he’s looking for a fight just for the sole sake of the fight (which in part explains his apathy towards developing his potential). Kyle mainly fights just out of necessity for survival, as shown by Cody telling him, “We’re making ends meet” after handing him his share of the pit fighting money in the beginning of the game (it’s also stated that he pit fights to make ends meet in an interview with ex-Capcom Studio 8 employee Joe Willis), and his stating survival as his reason for going through everything to save Cody at the end of the game. Also, advertisements used the tagline, “To save your brother, you must save the city”, indicating that saving the city is kinda just a secondary goal for Kyle.

Kyle recognizes Haggar as the mayor, but not personally, although Haggar indicates that they’ve met before. Haggar remarks that Kyle probably doesn’t remember him. When Haggar last saw Kyle, Kyle was just “a scrawny-knee’d bum”.

Kyle idolizes Mike Haggar. His journal constantly refers to him as “THE MAN”, and he states in it that he’d be a fool to lose the opportunity to learn some moves from him. Although Kyle doesn’t remember meeting him personally, he apparently has fond memories of the coolness of Mike Haggar personally hitting the streets to bust some criminal heads.

Kyle didn’t know who Guy was nor did Guy imply that he had ever met Kyle before or after Kyle introduced himself as Cody’s brother (of course, Guy didn’t recognize Kyle at all when he sic’d his men on Kyle earlier, but Haggar didn’t initially recognize Kyle either. The difference being that Haggar immediately remembered him when Kyle introduced himself while Guy did not). It’s kinda odd that the two never met before but not completely impossible given Guy’s FF1 bio indicating that Guy didn’t spend much time in Metro City prior to FF1 since he was just visiting
the States back then.

Kyle doesn’t like 2-Ill very much. He gives 2-Ill the brush-off whenever 2-Ill says he’ll be there to help. He especially doesn’t like paying 2-Ill for help.

Kyle also doesn’t like Psychic very much at first, but gets eerily addicted to her cards’ fortunetelling as the game goes on (assuming you do the various card matching mini-games).

While generally a good guy, Kyle also doesn’t particularly seek out justice that much. He won’t let a thug get away with stealing a lady’s purse on his watch and he’ll help out a cop against some smugglers if asked (albeit hesitantly), but he almost always appends “The money’s good, too!” to his good deeds for the day in his journal. He also constantly states that he doesn’t care about stopping GLOW so much as doing so just so he can find his brother. This is rather similar to Cody really, in that he’s willing to go vigilante and generally does good things but justice is a secondary bonus to his aims (for Kyle it’s assumedly survival, while for Cody it’s assumedly the thrill of the fight).

Of course in Streetwise, you the player can make Kyle go around beating up homeless bums and punching the lights out of civilians, but Kyle’s journal itself generally implies all that good guy stuff and there really isn’t any “evil” meter for Kyle no matter how many old ladies you beat up (it just makes you lose “respect”).

Kyle dislikes cops. He says that even though Sgt. Sims is a good cop, he never met a cop he liked. Also late in the game, you can hire a cop with a shotgun as backup, where Kyle says to himself, “I don’t like the idea of a cop backing me up. Love the shotgun, though.” He’s probably a bit annoyed with cops always arresting his brother, although so far Kyle himself seems to have been able to avoid having any run-ins with the law. Sims doesn’t like him much and wishes Kyle wouldn’t get involved in going after GLOW, but he doesn’t imply that he thinks Kyle should be arrested. Ditto for other cops you talk to (in fact, other cops are reasonably nice to Kyle, Kyle being a juvenile vigilante considered. On some mini-quests, some cops even work with Kyle, one asking for assistance to accompany him while he goes to call for back-up, and another to go bust down the Blue Ballers because the cop can’t without a warrant).

Like Cody, Kyle generally prefers using his fists (as shown by him and Stiff ending their fight unarmed), although he’s not above using firearms as well and he still likes those, too (he likes the above cop’s shotgun, for example).

All three of his prototype designs had dreadlocks for some reason.

He was voiced by Trent Kanuiga (the concept artist), not David Hayes. The fact that so many people ask about this shows that whether on purpose or not, Trent did a semi-convincing Solid Snake impression, I suppose.

Edi E.


Altura: 204 cm
Peso: 145 kg
País: EUA (Metro City)
Nascimento: ?

A corrupt policeman who was a member of Mad Gear, Edi. E found Mad Gear to be very good for his career. Being affiliated with the gang, he was able to use Mad Gear’s resources to jail many other gangs. When Cody opposed Mad Gear and hit the West Side, Edi. E, who ruled the West Side with an iron fist, confronted Cody among a watching crowd. Cody is
disgusted when he sees how corrupt Metro City is that a policeman would join Mad Gear. Edi. E fights Cody but is defeated by him. [Conjecture based off in-game storyline]

Street Fighter Zero 3: Cody has busted out of jail. Edi. E appears to be trying to get him back judging by Cody’s win animation… Dunno how much a win animation should be trusted but mweh, it probably did happen. He never caught Cody though.

Where he is now: Probably still a policeman of Metro City. And probably still corrupt too. By Streetwise, who knows? He’d be pretty old by then. Sgt. Sims is just a sergeant, and you never get to see or hear about anyone who’s higher ranked than that.

Cacetete de Edi E.

Edi E. usa um catete ligeiramente diferente do normal: feito de ferro por dentro ao invés de madeira, que produz um som característico quando acerta o oponente. Edi está sempre com seu cacetete em mãos, rodopiando ele e preparado para usá-lo. Ele pode usar o cacetete juntamente com as seguintes manobras: Power Uppercut, Spinning Baton, Elbow Smash, Rekka Ken e Fist Sweep. Para mais detalhes sobre combate com bastões, leia o post Lutando com Bastões. Os modificadores da tonfa de ferro (mais pesada que a de madeira) são:

Cacetete de Ferro: Velocidade +0, Dano +3, Movimento +0

No caso de Edi E. suas cartas de combate com o cacetete ficam com:

  • Cacetete Jab: Vel 6, Dano 11, Mov 3
  • Cacetete Strong: Vel 4, Dano 13, Mov 3
  • Cacetete Fierce: Vel 3, Dano 15, Mov 2

Pistola de Edi E.

Edi E. também carrega consigo um revólver calibre 38, como todo bom policial. Ele não se importa de usar sua arma contra oponentes desarmados, mas possui apenas 7 balas no tambor antes de precisar recarregar, o que o deixaria vulnerável.

Revólver .38: Velocidade +2, Dano +3, Movimento nenhum

No caso de Edi E., sua carta de combate com a pistola fica com Velocidade 6, Dano 8 (Agravado), Movimento nenhum.

Para saber como usar armas de fogo em combate, leia este post.

Edi E. como NPC

FF1 bio: A vicious ex-policeman. Edi E controls the entire west side of Metro City (note: Apparently rewritten so that he’s still a policeman).

He received administrative guidance from Haggar to become a policeman and later betrayed him, from an old FF1 character relations chart.

Yes, his name is spelled Edi. E without a period after the ‘E’. Dunno what’s up with that. Course, dunno what kind of parents would name their kid ‘Damnd’ or ‘Sodom’, either. It’s possible that Capcom mistranslated his name and it was supposed to be Eddy E.

Metro City is so corrupt that Edi. E managed to hang onto his job despite being a known member of Mad Gear.

Edi. E also is often chewing gum.

I wonder if the many freudian remarks about Edi. E and his attachment to his gun in Final Fight One were done on purpose (the funniest one being SFZ3 Cody’s remark about it, hehehe. “You need a gun when you’re about to die don’t you?” It comes complete with authority figure connotations!).

Like Edi. E, all cops in Streetwise rely primarily (exclusively, even) on firearms. Sadly, Edi. E himself isn’t in the game.


País: desconhecido (fora dos EUA)
Altura: desconhecida
Peso: desconhecido
Nascimento: ?

Diferente do que muitos pensam, a Mad Gear nunca foi somente uma gangue de rua – e sim uma organização com toda uma filosofia própria. Belger, o criador da Mad Gear, cresceu nas favelas de Metro City e com muito trabalho duro conseguiu enriquecer – inicialmente ele escrevia livros contando seus ideais de liberdade através do caos, e com o dinheiro que conseguia com esses livros e algumas conexões no submundo montou um império financeiro que sobrevive até hoje – as Corporações Belger têm influência em quase todos os setores de indústria, comércio e agricultura do mundo.

Belger estava satisfeito com o que tinha, mas via crianças sofrendo todos os dias nas favelas como ele sofreu quando era jovem. Ele sempre viu as restrições que a lei e a ordem impunham como obstáculos à real fraternidade, felicidade e liberdade. Afinal, como um sistema que enfatiza a propriedade privada pode ter lugar para a solidariedade? Ainda jovem, Belger se tornou um anarquista convicto. Com seus estudos sobre filosofia e política, criou o que é conhecido hoje como “anarquismo belgeriano” – um ideal de liberdade através do caos, onde toda a sociedade como conhecemos deveria cair para depois se reerguer como uma comunidade cooperativa sem lugar para o egoísmo, ganância ou crueldade. Um sonho utópico alcançado através do caos.

Para conseguir atingir seu ideal, Belger formou a Mad Gear. As atividades criminosas da gangue nunca lhe importaram muito – ele já tinha mais dinheiro do que conseguiria gastar em dez vidas, mas era contra tudo que lei e ordem representavam.

Final Fight 1: The rich leader of the Mad Gear gang, Belger fought Haggar and co (well, I don’t know who he fought but from the ending of FF1, I’m going to assume it was all three) at the top of his skyscraper in the Uptown area of Metro City. When he was defeated, he got knocked out of the window by Cody and went splat [From the game and FF2’s intro].

Where he is now: Dead dead dead. Lights punched out by Haggar, Cody, and Guy, knocked out of the window by Cody according to FF2’s intro, plummeting many stories to go splat.

Besta de Belger

Belger utiliza uma besta automática que dispara setas em seus oponentes rapidamente, com um suprimento praticamente infinito.

Besta: Velocidade 4, Dano 10, Movimento nenhum (ver cadeira, abaixo)

Cadeira de Belger

Belger utiliza uma cadeira mecânica, por dificuldades de movimentação (Mov. 1 sem ela em qualquer manobra). Com ela, porém, ele possui grande mobilidade, podendo atacar com armas de fogo e arcos e bestas com Movimento 5, o que dificulta que seja atingido. Sua cadeira tem Vigor 8 e Saúde 20.

Belger como NPC

FF1 Bio: Belger is the head of a corporation which is secretly manipulating the Mad Gear gang. Often seen in a wheelchair because he hates walking. Belger is a crackshot with the crossbow.

He’s secretly suspected by Haggar to be the mastermind behind Mad Gear’s uprising, even though Damnd kidnaps Jessica and calls the mayor in FF1.

Although he was a businessman, he was commanding the Mad Gear in secret. In public, he was the CEO of a huge corporation.

Belger believes the people of Metro City need him. He says to Haggar before their final battle in FF1 that people and especially the youth flock to Mad Gear because they’re simply fed up with Metro City as it is. Haggar argues that the people are merely deprived of where they can go, and swears that he’ll change things.

He’s an immigrant, although he probably came to America long ago for him to have been able to build up such a massive corporation and crime ring. This is revealed in Streetwise, where his brother states that he “came to this country seeking happiness”. Possibly, Belger was extremely poor before he came to America, since ‘seeking happiness’ seems to me what one would describe a poor person coming to America to try to live the American dream (of getting RICH!). Also possibly, this may be why Belger (presumably) sympathizes with the low-life youths of Metro City as per Mad Gear’s idealistic vision, if Belger himself used to be poor as well.

Him not being born in America isn’t too surprising. Several Mad Gear members weren’t (Andore and El Gado off the top of my head). Metro City IS part of NYC (for the most part) which is where many overseas immigrants enter America, after all.

It is revealed in Streetwise that Belger is a last name, as his brother refers to himself as Belger, as well. Neither of their first names is ever stated.

In the battle with Belger’s brother, Kyle remarks in his journal that Belger is a name with ugly roots in the history of Metro City.



Altura: 1.95m
Peso: 120kg
País: algum lugar no Mediterrâneo (Grécia?)
Nascimento: ?

Diferente dos outros candidatos para liderança dos Illuminati, Urien e Gill nasceram de pais que eram membros de longa data do culto. Seus próprios pais inclusive já tinham sido candidatos para a presidência do culto, sendo sua mãe, uma atleta de nível olímpico e doutora em Dinâmica do Esporte, a favorita para se tornar a presidente.

Urien tornou-se um candidato em potencial para a presidência aos 6 anos de idade, junto de seu irmão Gill. Depois disso os irmãos foram separados pelos seus pais e passaram por várias experiências genéticas, treinamento e sessões de monitoramento. Durante este período, Urien aprendeu a manipular tanto seu Chi quanto os elementos da Terra, juntando-os à sua aura. Ele também aprendeu como executar o Aegis Reflector, uma das 66 artes secretas descritas no pergaminho dos Illuminati. Aos 22 anos, a gerência escolheu Gill como o presidente devido à sua extrema força e carisma, ao invés de Urien.

Restou a Urien a vice-presidência e o comando dos laboratórios, ao lado do Dr. Kure, onde ele lidera o chamado Projeto G, que permitirá aos Illuminati fabricar os mais fortes soldados genéticos em massa, embora não tenham tido muito sucesso até então com o protótipo Eleven.

Neste mesmo laboratório Urien foi responsável pela tecnologia que “ressucitou” Charlie Nash, a fim de usá-lo como marionete nos planos dos Illuminati de acabar com a Shadaloo. Urien não gosta muito da ideia de gastar tempo e esforços com Nash e constantemente põe em cheque essa decisão do conselho.

Ninguém sabe mas foi através de Balrog que, em troca de dinheiro, revelou à Urien detalhes da operação CHAINS de Bison.

Interpretando Urien: você é tirano, sádico e quer a todo custo se tornar o Verdadeiro Imperador. Ele despreza seus antepassados e odeia seu irmão Gill, sentindo muita inveja dele. Adora que tenham medo de você e não tem qualquer tipo de benevolência em sua índole, eliminando qualquer um que sequer o toque sem consentimento.

Aparência: Urien tem porte atlético digno dos deuses gregos com uma pele bronzeada escura, cabelos metálicos brancos e uma jóia adornando sua testa, que parece estar encravado nela. Ele veste-se comumente com ternos finos, mas em combate prefere apenas uma “sunga” feita de bandagens, como as clássicas usadas na Grécia antiga para os combates de arena.

Lema: Não se preocupe, acabarei com você rapidamente!

Urien como NPC

Urien está sempre ocupado com seus planos de dominação mundial, o que o torna um inimigo dos heróis em certas situações ou um aliado em outras, quando envolve “derrubar” outros possíveis planos de dominação mundial concorrentes (como os de Bison). Além disso, eventualmente ele está ocupado com seus planos para assumir o controle dos Iluminatti derrubando seu irmão Gill.

Poderes Elementais de Urien

As regras de Street Fighter RPG introduzidas no suplemento Guia do Jogador já prevêem lutadores com poderes elementais, assim como Urien, que é uma elemental da terra. Assim, nenhuma explicação adicional é necessária. Para mais detalhes, consulte o post Elemental.



Guerreiros Mundiais

* Fontes: a planilha de Urien foi criada por Eric da Shotokan RPG (provavelmente será atualizada em breve). Sua história é uma mescla do The Street Fighter Plot Canon Guide, Street Fighter Wikia e acontecimentos in-game de Street Fighter 5.

Oni (Shin Akuma)

Em construção…




Altura: 1.78m
Peso: 80kg
País: Japão
Nascimento: antes de 1945 (mais de 50 anos durante SF4)

Kuruoshiki Oni (Demônio Mentalmente Possuído em uma tradução livre) é a consequência da contínua exposição de Gouki ao Satsui no Hadou. Sua aparência ficou transfigurada em uma criatura diferente de uma ser humano normal. Sem sentimento algum e considerando os humanos algo ridículo, sua consciência primitiva busca somente o combate e sua existência só possui esse significado.

Oni como NPC

Oni não existe oficialmente dentro da história de Street Fighter, ele é considerado um personagem “what if” (o que aconteceria se…), mas pode muito bem ser usado em suas crônicas se o Narrador assim o desejar. Entretanto, para isso, devem ser tomados alguns cuidados.

Miscellaneous Facts and Notes

In a similar way to how SnH Ryu or Satsui Ryu represents Ryu in the lowest of spiritual pits, Kuruoshiki Oni does this for Gouki. Referencing back to Gouken’s SF4 win quote to Gouki that he’s neither compromising with humanity nor becoming an oni, Gouki achieves the latter with his AE opening and blowing apart a tree after much groaning and growling (contrast with Gouki’s opening, same forest scenario, blows apart and uproots a whole area of ground and vegetation, with slient lips and his aura).

Oni is described as a being with bare fragments of Gouki’s consciousness refusing to stop clinging, while the rest of its mindset is nearly completely taken over by the onigami or fierce god that manifested itself as the kanji “ten” on Gouki’s back. He attained this state of being through over-exposure to or being bleached by SnH, which never occurs more readily than when he executes a shungokusatsu, only this time he fails to regain himself in his own flesh, blood, and spirit after the technique.

Oni repeatedly refers to himself as a kishin, which is another reading for onigami/fierce god. His body resembles Gouki’s (at least from the waist up) due to the lingering portions that Gouki’s will remains intact, while otherwise the rest of him is molded through the onigami’s reckless whims. Oni barely cares to clash fists and fight as Gouki did (he rips off the beads Gouki normally wears around his neck and has them hover around him boastfully as trivial trinkets), and exists for no other purpose except to consume and devour anything and anyone, and yet never reaching a satisfactory level with any amount of either one, constantly hungry and craving for more of them.

Although Gouki is almost thoroughly swallowed into the onigami with Oni’s existence, his will nevertheless successfully impedes both wills from granting Oni’s maximum potential strength-wise as a deity. The clashing of mindsets resulting in the being’s schizophrenia as well as a mis-allocation of power and might, Oni delivers with quite a measure of instability despite his imposing first impression. In his AE ending he expends a ridiculous amount of energy and effort to make an already due-to-erupt volcano spew its lava while only managing to make it create only moderate cracks and fissures around its gushing cone. Again compare and contrast to Gouki back in SFZ2 with Ryu’s ending: with a bare fraction of Oni’s momentum Gouki’s fist makes the volcano of Gokuentou not only erupt but completely wipe out the entire island, volcano and all, gone in fleeting moments. Even Gouki is appalled that Oni, whom he even labels as an ashura or a fighting demon, would destroy Gouki’s long-time forged fist so utterly in Gouki’s win quote to Oni.




Altura: 2.12m
Peso: ?
País: China
Nascimento: ?

Antes da Shadaloo, FANG o líder de uma organização chinesa de assassinos chamada Nguuhao (Cobra, em um dialeto Thai), que servia à organização de Bison. A organização era um dos maiores cartéis da Ásia e um dos mais infames por sequestrar crianças para treiná-las como assassinos. Foi assim que FANG entrou para a organização ainda criança, forçado a aprender os caminhos da Mão de Veneno (Dim Mak) através da exposição de suas mãos a diversos tipos de soluções venenosas em ambientes controlados com o objetivo de eventualmente ensiná-lo como transformar os venenos naturais em seu corpo em uma arma. F.A.N.G cresceu vendo as crianças ao seu redor morrerem, enquanto que ele emergiu como o mais forte membro do cartel de todos os tempos, sendo o mais formidável usuário do Dim Mak que se tem notícia, sendo chamado de “The Fang of Nguuhao”, ou “A presa da Cobra” em uma tradução literal.

Eventualmente FANG se tornou o líder da organização e, um dia, os membros da Nguuhao resolveram tentar um levante contra Bison sob comando dele, mas foram liquidados facilmente, mesmo tendo armado para atacá-lo de surpresa durante uma reunião. F.A.N.G resistiu mais do que os outros mas, ao ver que seus venenos não faziam efeito em Bison, e que o líder da Shadaloo possuía um poder destrutivo além de sua imaginação, resolveu jurar lealdade a Bison como um dos Quatro Reis da Shadaloo, substituindo Sagat, que já havia se desligado completamente da organização à essa altura. Bison aceitou-o, não pela sua lealdade, mas pelo seu poder, que é a única coisa que importa para quem deseja um lugar na Shadaloo.

Obtendo imenso respeito e devoção perante Bison, graças ao seu poder e sabedoria, FANG galgou os ranks dentro da Shadaloo até de fato se tornar um dos grandes líderes, se tornando o segundo na hierarquia (atrás apenas do ditador) e encabeça as operações administrativas e de pesquisa da organização, em seus famigerados laboratórios. Ele é uma dos gênios criminosos por trás do projeto Dolls (onde conseguiu aumentar consideravelmente o poder de combate das meninas sequestradas) e se dedica integralmente ao mais novo projeto da Shadaloo para dominação mundial: Operação C.H.A.I.N.S. Ao que tudo indica, o sequestro de alguns lutadores de renome, e seu estudo, é necessário para o sucesso do mesmo.

Ao que parece FANG também contribuiu no passado para o crescimento da corporação SIN, a divisão de armas da Shadaloo, tendo participado do projeto que teria criado Seth e Abel, apenas para citar dois exemplos.

Aparência: F.A.N.G é um homem muito magro e alto com um cabelo negro comprido, preso em um rabo de cavalo, e um cavanhaque. Ele veste-se de maneira tradicional chinesa, com um gipao púrpura com mangas longas, que escondem suas mãos envenenadas (geralmente embebidas de venenos mortais antes das lutas). Usa calças pretas e meias vermelhas compridas. Para completar, um grande chapéu negro no topo da cabeça e óculos escuros dão um toque misterioso à esse lutador mortal.

Interpretando FANG: você é confiante, elitista e condescendente em relação aos outros, considerando os membros menores da Shadaloo como tolos e descartáveis. Gosta de ostentar seu título de segundo e comando e por vezes entra em atrito com os outros generais, principalmente Vega. Você é obsessivo com ordem e protocolos, muito meticuloso e completamente frio, tratando suas cobaias humadas pelos números, por exemplo, ao invés de seus nomes.

Você cresceu com a morte à espreita e se considera um sobrevivente, vivendo cada dia de cada vez. É matar ou morrer, e você é um especialista em matar, principalmente à serviço de Bison, a quem jurou lealdade.

Lema: Dois minutos. Acabarei com você em dois minutos.

Veneno de FANG

FANG treinou desde pequeno na arte da Mão de Veneno, chamada de Dim Mak pelos praticantes de Kung Fu chinês, de onde o Kempô de FANG se origina. Conforme citado na descrição da respectiva Manobra Especial, muitos são os efeitos cinematográficos que o Narrador pode utilizar para descrever os efeitos dos poderes venenosos de FANG, sendo o mais básico o adiamento de dano e os redutores em atributos.

Além disso, FANG possui a manobra Acid Breath, a qual ele não solta pela boca, mas sim pelas mãos/mangas.


FANG é um assassino a serviço de Bison. Ponto. Se isso não lhe dá plots suficientes para usá-lo em suas aventuras, considere também que ele é o estereótipo do cientista louco, sequestrando lutadores e fazendo experimentos com eles, como feito com Alex.

Guerreiros Mundiais

* Fontes: planilha criada com base nas estatísticas oficiais da Capcom para este personagem, em comparação com os demais personagens. Seus movimentos foram retirados do game Street Fighter 5 e seus textos foram escritos por Fernando Jr, da SFRPG Brasil, com base no Story Mode de diversos personagens em SF5 (principalmente ele mesmo), em material da Wikipedia e da Street Fighter Wikia.

Street Fighter 4: The Ties That Bind


Quando Street Fighter 4 foi lançado em 2008 o alvoroço foi grande. Embora o último lançamento de um game da franquia não fizesse tanto tempo assim, uma novidade agradou muito os fãs: SF4 não era uma continuação de SF3, não tão aclamado pelo público principalmente no Brasil, mas sim uma continuação do épico Street Fighter 2. Lembro que na época muitos me perguntaram se haviam pulado o 3…

Com os mesmos guerreiros da última edição de SF2 mais algumas adições, muito se questionava sobre seu enredo, uma vez que Bison e Gouken eram dados como mortos no final de SF2 mas voltaram a aparecer agora. Então para a alegria dos fãs, em 2009, quando foi lançada a versão para consoles a Capcom presenteou a todos com um brinde: um novo anime de Street Fighter que se passa antes da história do game começar e serve de introdução à nova trama, motivo desta resenha.


Street Fighter 4: The Ties that Bind é traduzido não-oficialmente (afinal nunca tivemos uma versão brasileira do game) como Os Laços que Ligam, fazendo alusão às conexões que veremos durante o anime e até mesmo durante o jogo. Tem a duração de 64 minutos aproximadamente e pode ser visto no Youtube procurando pelo título em português mesmo, para quem quiser ver legendado.

Falando do enredo em si, o anime começa mostrando uma investigação do Delta Red, organização secreta que Cammy atua investigando testes de algum tipo de arma na floresta amazônica, bem como Chun Li e Guile investigando o desaparecimento de artistas marciais pelo mundo inteiro. Também mostra o errante Ryu em sua jornada pessoal para controlar o Satsui no Hadou e o agora casado (ele casa com Eliza no final de SF2, lembra?) e empresário Ken Masters, se sentindo entendiado com a nova vida. Estreando no anime temos a novata Crinsom Viper que se mostra uma espiã a serviço de Seth, o novo vilão principal da franquia, que busca pelos mais poderosos lutadores do planeta para aperfeiçoar sua nova arma mortal que usa a energia Chi como combustível. E quem você acha que tem a maior quantidade de Chi para ele utilizar em seus testes?


O que eu achei do anime? Tecnicamente falando o traço é razoável. O Ryu está meio gordo, Guile está meio caricato demais, mas Viper e as demais meninas estão muito bem caracterizadas, incluindo a jovem Sakura, que tem um papel bem importante no anime. Não temos grandes participações de outros personagens para comentar.

Do ponto de vista de enredo, ele é interessante. Um bom plot para um novo torneio. Mas a história é fraca do ponto de vista de ação, temos poucas lutas realmente interessantes. Para falar a verdade, apenas uma, a de C. Viper com Cammy. As demais são fraquíssimas, principalmente a final entre Ryu e Seth. Claro, é apenas um anime que serve de prólogo, mas confesso que quando assisti esse anime eu estava vendo SF 2 Victory e SF Code of Honor, e as lutas estão em um nível um pouco acima do segundo e muito abaixo do primeiro. Talvez por isso a decepção maior.

Como sempre costumo dizer, é SF, então está valendo.


Imagem do Dia #4

Hoje temos uma Imagem do Dia especial. Sim, não é apenas uma imagem hilária, mas uma tirinha muito engraçada mexendo com o fato de que Ken é marido da irmã da mulher do Guile…complicado? Júlia, mulher do Guile, é irmã de Eliza, mulher do Ken. Entendeu agora? Então leia a tirinha de uma vez…

Jantar em Família

Essa tirinha eu achei na net, sabe-se lá onde. Estava em inglês e eu traduzi para a galera do blog entender sem problemas. Como sei que temos visitantes americanos também, clique aqui para ver a tirinha original em inglês. Para quem acha que o tamanho está pequeno demais, clique na imagem par vê-la maior. Aproveitem!

Jantar em Família - Guile e Ken

A História do Templo Shaolin

A História do Templo Shaolin

Durante o século 5 D.C, um templo Budista foi fundado na montanha Shao- Shih; ele era chamado de Shaolin Ssu, que significa “Templo da Jovem Floresta”.

Ele virou um dos mais famosos centros de aprendizagem da religião Budista. Este era o lugar onde Bodhidharma ensinava. Em adição a seus ensinamentos espirituais, eles impunham a seus monges uma série de exercícios para aumentar seu vigor através de difíceis testes mentais e físicos que lhe eram exigidos. Estes exercícios não eram originalmente designados para combate, mas logo uma forma de boxe foi criada no Templo Shaolin. Chamada de Shaolin Ch'uan Fa (Caminho do Punho Shaolin), ela eventualmente tornou-se um famoso estilo naquelas terras. E tornou-se motivo de muita glória derrotar um monge Shaolin ou ser convidado a entrar no Templo. Não que isto fosse fácil.

De acordo com as lendas, os monges tinham de passar por árduos testes, tanto físicos quanto mentais, para ter direito a aprender as técnicas secretas do templo. Aceitava-se somente estudantes que passassem nos testes de paciência e humildade; ele era mantido aguardando por vários dias, sendo insultado verbalmente para ver seu temperamento. Se ele perdesse a cabeça, era rejeitado. Então, os que realmente mereciam aprender eram separados do resto.

O ultimo teste envolvia o mestre do templo servindo chá para os possíveis estudantes. Se o estudante aceitasse o chá, ele era mandado embora por desrespeito; eles tinham que agradecer a gentileza sem aceita-la, tendo eles mesmos de servir o mestre.

O cotidiano no templo era uma árdua sucessão de exercícios físicos e mentais. Os estudantes tinham de se dedicar inteiramente ao templo e seus ensinamentos, e não era permitido sair; há muitas histórias de tentativas frustradas de escapar do templo. Foi no Templo Shaolin que se criaram os Preceitos das Artes Marciais.

Graduações na escola eram mais desafiantes ainda. A rendição da catarata veloz foi uma tentativa de graduação descrita no episódio piloto da série Kung Fu. Depois dos questionamentos sobre a doutrina budista e sua filosofia, iniciava-se um exame físico, testando se monge e estilo eram um só. O teste final era incrível, todos os tipos de objetos eram jogados no estudante enquanto ele atravessava um corredor de uma câmara. Se o estudante falhasse em aparar todos eles, ele falhou no teste (muitos monges sofrem por terem tentado dúzias de vezes sem sucesso).

Ao fim do corredor, esperava pelo estudante um teste mais severo ainda: um caldeirão de ferro cheio de carvão flamejante pesando 250Kgs para carregar durante o restante do caminho. Durante o processo, marcas feitas pelo ferro quente do caldeirão iam surgindo pelos seus antebraços em formatos de tigres e dragões, indicando o fim do teste e marcando o monge para sempre como um membro do Templo Shaolin.

Depois de milhares de anos de esplendor, entretanto, o Templo Shaolin sofreu um desastre. Durante o século XVII, uma tribo da fronteira chinesa, os Manchus, conquistaram o resto da nação e fundaram a dinastia Ch'ing. Um número de monges simpatizantes do antigo governo, ajudados por grupos rebeldes lutaram contra o novo regime. Obviamente o governo imperial enviou um exercito para acabar com os monges Shaolin. Este ataque foi fortemente escurraçado do templo pelas forças Shaolin. Então, um exercito maior ainda invadiu o templo em 1735. De acordo com a lenda, somente 5 monges conseguiram escapar com vida; eles são conhecidos como os Cinco Veneráveis. Com a ajuda de outros revolucionários construíram um segundo Templo Shaolin, mas pouco tempo depois foi completamente destruído. Muitos monges escaparam, entretanto, o Templo Shaolin ficou sob a terra.

Saiba o que realmente aconteceu com os monges que escaparam com vida da destruição do templo, lendo o post As Tríades e Tongs Chinesas. Leia também os posts Kung FuEspecializações do Kung Fu e A Quintessencia do Kung Fu.

Usando o Templo Shaolin em suas Crônicas

O Templo Shaolin pode ser utilizado das mais variadas formas nas suas crônicas de  Street Fighter: The Storytelling Game. Ele pode ser o lar de um dos personagens jogadores, inclusive rolando seu Prelúdio no próprio templo. Encontrar o lendário Templo Shaolin de Hunan pode ser o objetivo de personagens exploradores. Talvez as pinturas das paredes do templo sejam o segredo para aprender uma antiguíssima técnica do Kung Fu do Dragão Branco.

O Narrador devem ter em mente que mesmo que as lendas (ou histórias) do Templo Shaolin indiquem que ele tenha sido arruinado a séculos, nada impede que ele permaneça intacto em sua crônica. Os monges eram muito inteligentes e facilmente poderiam ter reconstruído o templo em um lugar isolado, como montes tibetanos, por exemplo. Dessa forma, longe de todos, seria mais fácil reeerguer suas tradições sem uma nova represália.

Antiga pintura do Templo Shaolin

Vida e Obra de Bruce Lee

O Pequeno Dragão

Nascido a 27 de novembro de 1940, no ano e dia do Dragão, em São Francisco, Califórnia, Bruce Lee dedicou toda sua vida às artes marciais. Foi de tudo um pouco: filósofo, mestre, lutador, ator. Foi o arco principal de ligação entre as artes marciais, reservadas exclusivamente para os asiáticos, e os povos do resto do mundo.

Cresceu em Hong Kong, onde era um garoto pequeno, mas muito briguento, sempre "entrando em frias" com outros garotos e até mesmo com gangues de Hong Kong. Aos 13 anos, iniciou seus estudos de artes marciais de Kung Fu no estilo Wing Chun (ou Ving Tsun em Hong Kong), visando aliviar a insegurança pessoal que estava presente em sua vida, entre as brigas com gangues na cidade de Hong Kong. Aos 18 anos, foi para os Estados Unidos para se afastar das brigas entre as gangues chinesas e também estudar Filosofia na Universidade de Seatle – Washington. Também passou a trabalhar como garçom num restaurante de uma amiga da família, Ruby Chow, em Chinatown.

Passou a ser um mestre dentro do campus da faculdade, mesclando a arte marcial à filosofia. Foi daí que surgiram seus primeiros "alunos", que eram seus amigos. Ele não cobrava nada de ninguém e nunca o faria para amigos. Começaram a fazer, então, com que Bruce abrisse a sua própria academia de Kung Fu, e daí, poderia cobrar de seus alunos para se manter. Eis que em 1963, em paralelo com a faculdade, Bruce abre o "Lee Jun Fan Kung Fu Institute", sua própria academia, passando a dar aulas para seus amigos neste local.

Eis que então foi defrontado por um grupo de mestres asiáticos de artes marciais, dizendo para ele que não deveria ensinar a arte marcial aos não-chineses, ou deveria enfrentar o melhor lutador deles. Como Bruce adorava desafios, ele aceitou. A luta demorou três minutos e ele fez com que o adversário, jogado no chão, dissesse "eu me rendo", em chinês. Vendo que deveria ter vencido em segundos, e não em minutos, passou a se dedicar muito mais a arte marcial do Kung Fu.

Comemorando o nascimento de seu filho Brandon Bruce Lee fruto de seu casamento com uma de suas alunas, Linda Emery, apenas uma semana depois, voltou para Hong Kong, pois seu pai havia falecido. Na volta, fez uma promessa para si mesmo, de que sua família se orgulhasse dele, passando assim a criar um estilo de Kung Fu próprio: o Jeet Kune Do. A partir disto, Bruce teve de enfrentar novas dificuldades. Passou então a dar aulas particulares à domicílio, para personalidades famosas do meio artístico, como Lee Marvin, Chuck Norris e Steve McQueen, podendo custar o treinamento com o grande Mestre Bruce Lee até US$ 250,00 a hora. Mas seu aluno mais querido era seu filho, Brandon, e nesse meio tempo, veio ao mundo sua filha, Shannon Lee.

Bruce Lee e Chuck Norris

A garota teve o dom de poder acalmar Bruce. Bruce Lee era uma pessoa de carne e osso, como eu e você, e não um super-herói como parece. Numa manhã em 1970, levantando pesos, Bruce fraturou um importante nervo das costas, deixando impossibilitado de treinar por seis meses, tempo esse que ele teve para formular a parte filosófica de sua arte marcial, o Jeet Kune Do. Médicos de todo o centro de tratamento vieram dizendo a ele que nunca mais voltaria a treinar, mas Bruce fez de um obstáculo um ponto de apoio, para descobrir quais eram seus limites e medir a capacidade do corpo humano.

Dava 2000 socos por dia, 1000 chutes, corria 5 Km e pedalava mais 24 Km, para ver de que o seu corpo era capaz. Ao ficar totalmente recuperado, começou uma exaustiva rotina diária de exercícios. Ele passava muito tempo treinando, treinando para um combate que nunca existiria; era um treinamento de sete dias por semana. Até que em 10 de maio de 1973, enquanto editava "Operação Dragão", ele sofreu um desmaio no estúdio, sendo levado às pressas para o hospital, onde não foi detectado nada. Após uma bateria de testes, ele se recuperou, terminou "Operação Dragão", e voltou para seu antigo projeto "Jogo da Morte". De volta ao antigo filme, Bruce estava trabalhando com a atriz chinesa Betty Ting Pei. Foi um dia a casa dela para discutir algumas cenas do filme e disse à ela estar com uma forte dor de cabeça. Ela lhe deu um remédio e ele se deitou. Algumas horas depois, Betty entrou em pânico por não conseguir acordá-lo e ligou para Raymond Chow (diretor e amigo de Bruce).

Ele foi a sua casa e notou que Bruce estava muito pálido. Levaram-no para o hospital, onde Raymond ligou para dar a notícia a Linda: Bruce Lee, a lenda das artes marciais, havia morrido. Todos foram ao chão com a notícia, espalhando-se pelo mundo. Em seu sepultamento, foi homenageado por milhares de pessoas, e seu corpo foi levado para Seatle, onde ele e Linda se conheceram. Com apenas 32 anos, Bruce deixou uma esposa, dois filhos e um legado inigualável no mundo, tanto das artes marciais como das artes cinematográficas. Até hoje sua morte é discutida: muitos dizem que foi algum tipo de vingança entre as gangues de Hong Kong, ou até mesmo uma maldição dos mestres chineses por passar as artes marciais aos não-asiáticos.

Muitos também acham que foi vingança por ter feito muito sucesso. Mas sua morte foi comprovada por uma autópsia e resultou num edema cerebral, um inchaço no cérebro causado por uma reação alérgica ao remédio tomado na casa de Betty. Mesmo com a sua morte, foi continuado e concluído 5 anos depois "Jogo da Morte", que também não deixou de ser um grande sucesso. Com isso, seu legado foi deixado nas telas e tornou-se uma grande figura mundial. Também possibilitou que outros artistas seguissem seu caminho. Entre seus sucessores, estão Jackie Chan, Chuck Norris, Jean-Claude Van Dame e muitos outros, mas nenhum poderia ter tanto destaque como seu filho Brandon, este que teve uma carreira também próspera, mas em 31 de março de 1993, durante as gravações de "O Corvo", Brandon foi morto no set de filmagem por uma arma de festim indevidamente checada. O filme continuou como em "Jogo da Morte", com dublês e efeitos especiais. Novamente, rumores sobre a morte de Bruce voltaram à discussão e novas teorias do porquê havia morrido voltaram à tona. Mesmo assim, ainda hoje, o nome Bruce Lee é mundialmente falado; revistas publicam artigos, vídeos são produzidos e até homepages são montadas em sua memória.

– extraído e resumido da vida e obra de Bruce Lee


Fei Long, uma homenagem a Bruce Lee
