Todos os posts de sfrpg

Jogador de RPG há 14 anos, tendo 2 anos de experiência narrando SF RPG ininterruptamente e depois mais algumas crônicas avulsas e aventuras one-shot neste que é seu RPG favorito. Também já mestrou 3D&T, GURPS, d20/D&D (2 a 3.5), MERP, Daemon/Trevas e cenários Storyteller em geral.


Em construção…





An FFT boss. FFT bosses don’t have bios to my knowledge.

Final Fight Tough: Caine’s a possible third boss that you fight if you take
the bus on the third stage. He’s fought in a scrap dump. However, to get
what is probably the best ending, you skip right past him and never fight
him at all. [from the game]

Where he is now: Wondering why Capcom doesn’t give him any love like they
did for the Final Fight 1 bosses? Dunno.

Miscellaneous Facts and Notes

He’s a mechanic. With goggles and a wrench. A wrench that he pokes
you with. Which… seems to be the only thing he does.



Em construção…





Another FFT boss with no bio!

Final Fight Tough: The second boss you fight. You either fight him in a park
or in a restaurant (he’s probably the bouncer there), depending on which path
you take. Not much more to say. [from the game]

Where he is now: Wondering why Capcom didn’t even bother to so much as
give him an official bio when Capcom gave all the FF2 bosses some? Dunno X 2.

Miscellaneous Facts and Notes

He’s a bouncer. With suit and tie. And… um, do I have to say that
all the FFT bosses are Skull Cross Gang members?



Em construção…





I don’t believe Capcom made official bios for the FFT bosses.

Final Fight Tough: Dave’s like… a twisted riot cop who’s leading a riot in
Metro City. The riot’s actually a distraction so that the Skull Cross Gang
can break their leader out of jail during the commotion. He’s the first
boss in the game. Not much else to say. [from the game]

Where he is now: *Shrugs*

Miscellaneous Facts and Notes

Hey hey! It’s Edi. E without the fat and the gun! Still has the billy
club and facial hair though.



Em construção…





Height: 182 cm
Weight: 67 kg
Blood type: unknown

Native place: fought in England (not conclusive of birthplace)

Final Fight 2: He may look like a normal clown, but Phillipe is
financially supporting Mad Gear by smuggling illegal items through the
circus. Haggar and co catch up to his train and beat him up.

Where he is now: Fear the clown!

Miscellaneous Facts and Notes

His circus train says “R&B Circus” on it (possibly based after the
Ringling Brothers)


Em construção…





Height: 225 cm
Weight: 205 kg
Blood type: B

Native place: Fought in (and probably born in) Japan.

Final Fight 2: Retu leads the new Mad Gear in its attempt to make a
comeback. He holds Genryusai and Rena captive, before Haggar and co fought
him and knocked him out the window.

Where he is now: Probably dead, like Belger. Those windows are deadly
things, after all.

Miscellaneous Facts and Notes

He’s stated to be responsible for reviving the Mad Gear. Doesn’t seem
to me like he actually “revived” heresay given all the FF2 Mad Gear members
are completely new with the exception of Andore and Rolento.

I wonder if Sodom was the one who recruited Retu or something. The
crazy Japanese Kabuki fighter seems like just the type that Sodom would
like. I don’t even know whether Sodom was the true leader of Mad Gear or
whether Retu was during the FF2/SFZ2 time period… I’d actually go with
Sodom though since Capcom doesn’t seem to give a damn about the majority of
their FF2 characters, and judging by Sodom’s SFZ2 dialogue with Rolento.

In-game storyline-wise, Rolento is suspected to be the boss of Mad Gear
in FF2 until he reveals that Retu actually is.

Retu is also pronounced “Retsu”, but his name was romanized as “Retu”.
He’s not SF1 Retsu though, unless he decided to take up Kabuki and get a
spin kick and put on 130 kilograms of weight before joining an evil gang.
Admittingly, a kabuki wig would do a good job of covering his bald head.


Won Won

Em construção…





Height: 225 cm
Weight: 205 kg
Blood type: A

Native place: Fought in Hong Kong (and probably born there).

Final Fight 2: Instead of a chef gone bad, he’s a former sailor/mariner
who closed the harbor neighborhood in Hong Kong. Apparently he’s involved
with a local Mafia called “108 Dragon”.

Where he is now: *shrug*

Miscellaneous Facts and Notes

His Japanese backstory is completely different from his backstory
overseas. Instead of a chef gone bad, he’s a former sailor/mariner
who closed the harbor neighborhood in Hong Kong. Apparently he’s involved
with a local Mafia called “108 Dragon”. Ironically, Won Won wields a
cleaver in the Japanese version, but it was censored from the overseas
edition of FF2. Rather silly when he’s the chef outside of Japan.

“A brutal man who’s respected by the area’s local Mafia, 108 Dragon,” is
his Japanese description. Still likes his knife for good cuisine.



Em construção…





Height: 205 cm
Weight: 197 kg
Blood type: AB
Native place: fought in Holland (not conclusive of birthplace)

Final Fight 2: Bratken is a psychotic overgrown boy who loves to play
with toys. To have Bratken join the gang, some gang members bribed him by
locking him in a room filled with toys.

Where he is now: *shrug*

Miscellaneous Facts and Notes

He’s a big psycho lunatic who’s too big to control, so he’s kept in a
prison when he isn’t needed. A single celled mother complex. Scary when


Em construção…





Height: 195 cm
Weight: 185 kg
Blood type: O

Native place: He’s fought in France, but probably born in America.

Final Fight 2: While Freddie was in the Navy Seals, he punched out one of
his superiors. This lead to his discharge by the Navy. Now as a freelance
mercenary, Freddie was hired by the Mad Gear gang to head their terrorism

Where he is now: *shrug*

Miscellaneous Facts and Notes

He joined the Mad Gear after being discharged from the U.S. Marine
Corps for fighting.

Although it may be just an Easter egg appearance, Guile is apparently in
the background when you fight Freddie. …cheering him on apparently, too.
Maybe he doesn’t realize that Freddie’s been booted from the force (ditto
for the rest of the troops there).

Damnd (Thrasher)


Altura: 2.18m
Peso: 201kg
País: EUA (Metro City)
Nascimento: ?

A member of Mad Gear, Damnd was the one who kidnapped
Jessica and called up Mike Haggar to blackmail him. He then took Jessica
to the slums which were under his control, and knew that Cody would come
for her, but by the time Cody arrived, Jessica had already been given over
to Belger. Damnd fought and was defeated by Cody after that. [Conjecture
based off of in-game storyline]

Where he is now: Hacking into security systems and cackling somewhere; who

Aparência: xxx

Interpretando DamnD: xxx

DamnD como NPC

FF1 Bio: Damnd is one of the leaders of the Mad Gear gang and heads the
Mad Gear’s worldwide information network. He uses informants from many
government agencies including the FBI. Damnd’s information keeps the Mad
Gear gang one step ahead of the authorities.

Damnd’s name was censored to Thrasher for the Super Nintendo version of
Final Fight overseas.

It’s possible, due to his name being spelled in katakana, that his name
was mistranslated and it was meant to be Damned. Not that there’s much
difference there, though:P

Damnd’s whistle returns in FF:SW. Some Punx use it to summon other
Punx. Sadly, Damnd however is not in the game.

* OBS: esta não é um personagem oficial da White Wolf. Ele foi desenvolvido por Fernando Jr da SF RPG Brasil com base no personagem homônimo dos games Final Fight. Seus textos foram feitos com base no The Street Fighter Plot Canon Guide e material in-game.

Street Poems Alpha

Street Poems

Depois do grande sucesso de Street Poems (em elogios e críticas) sai do forno com um pouco de atraso a continuação da obra poética de Luiz "Goldfield" Oliveira. Street Poems II? Não, Street Poems Alpha! Desta vez Goldfield usa seus dons literáticos (isso existe?) para criar sonetos dos personagens de Street Fighter Alpha. Fica aí a dica!

Cultura na Street Fighter RPG Brasil: Porque nós vamos ao encontro do mais culto!

Clique na imagem para baixar!